Over you

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Sunny's POV

I was walking down the halls at school. I was trying to hide from Kiran. He made me feel some type of way. I loved his hair but now I see other things I might be interested in. Yes my favorite thing is hair. I know I am not the only girl who dislikes a guy after a bad haircut.

I usually lose attention after some guys get bad haircuts. I don't know why but I usually always fall in love with the guys hair. It's the most important look to a guy for me. All my fictional crushes also have the same look. It's really all about the hair for me. It's one of my weakness what else can I say.

I heard a loud noise like someone was slammed against the lockers. I looked down the hall and there was Ramon. He was hurting Joseph. I froze not knowing what to do. On a regular day I would defend him. After what happened I don't know. I saw Joseph look at me since I turned the corner.

"Sunny D it must be your lucky day" said Ramon as he dropped Joseph to the floor. "How so" I said as I watched Joseph fall on his butt. "It's pay back time" said Ramon as he popped his knuckles. I took a step back in fear. I didn't do anything to Ramon. Why was he so pissed off with me.

"No Ramon why fight her" said Joseph as he stood up. "Why not, you both owe me" said Ramon. "I don't owe you shit" I said to Ramon since he really was thinking of hurting me. "She is fake" laughed Joseph. "I may not be perfect to you but I was never fake" I said getting upset.

"Whatever" said Joseph. "The greatest thing that came out of us was that I found the love of my life" I said not breaking our eye contact. Ramon did even matter anymore. When our eyes locked we both knew we weren't going to back down. "You cheated so how do you know that" said Joseph.

"I didn't realize it until I found it" I said as I  narrowed my eyes at him. "Was if the guy you cheated on" said Joseph. "No it was myself" I said smiling. He gave me a confused look. "It was the end of bikini season" I said with a bright smile. It was always so hot by the ocean. I still can't believe it is fall. School wasn't even opened for that long.

"So you used that to show off your body" said Joseph. "I just realized you aren't worth it" I said to him. "What" he questioned me angrily. "We are over" I said feeling frustrated already. I don't know how anyone could stand him. He is just trying to blame me for getting CPR by Kiran.

Ramon stood there in silence being shocked and confused. He didn't know what was happening. Joseph looked furious but I didn't care. He wanted to ruin my name well I will ruin his. He can't treat me like this. My ex was better then him. I can say this because I was never treated like this.

I found out my ex boyfriend was protecting my name behind my back. I asked him why because he had a lot to say to other people who hated me. He told me because I wanna make sure nobody will ever or hurt me again. Our relationship didn't work out but the respect remained which was important.

My ex before that was a asshole. I used to think what's wrong with me. I was cheated on lied to. He even used me for my body. He talked shit about me. I used to think was I really a bad person. My ex helped me get through that. I owe him for what he did for me. That was a long time ago.

Under this I'm doing great attitude I remember being a little girl going through more then I should've. She should be scared to be alone because of what she may do to herself. I remember the pain I felt. I told Kiran when I die to tell my friends and family I am the hero. I killed the person they hated for so long.

Kiran was the one who pulled me out. We have so much chemistry and if Joseph wants to be mad that he gave me CPR then screw that. "He gave me CPR and you are a clown to be blaming me" I said as I turned around and walked away. I walked down the hall as fast as I can. My knuckles were turning white.

I had my hands in fists. "Sunshine" called Kiran. I looked straight at him as he held a bouquet of something that didn't look like flowers. "For you" he said as he handed me them. "I knew today was going to be hard for you" he said. He handed me them and I fell in love.

It was pink butterflies with lights. The lights made it look like little fairies. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. "Thank you" I said to him. "Of course" he said as he scratched the back of his head. "Would you like to hangout with me" he asked me. "Yes" I said pleased with the gift.

"That's awesome" he said with a smile. "What do you have in mind" I asked him. "It's a surprise" he said with a wink. I giggled at his expression. Deep down I couldn't help the way my body felt. I wanted to be close to him. It was his attraction that had a pull on me. I blushed since I knew I was wet the other day.

Why was it so hard for me to not think about what happened. Today should have been my priority but he was on my mind. Maybe it was more than attraction. Who knows maybe it was temptations. What made me desire to be back at the bitch wanting to kiss him. I never thought about it until now. It felt like it was forbidden.

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