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“What’s the matter? You scared of a little thunder?” Steve cracks the tiniest of smiles, eyes clearly lit up with amused bemusement.

Loki lifts her withering gaze to the man as she tells him, “I’m not terribly fond of what comes after it... and I don’t think you will be, either.” She adds a smirk that doesn’t quite reach her eyes – well, his eyes. Honestly – she thinks – these people call themselves champions, yet not one of them has managed to see through her absurd gender-swapping illusion.

“Cap, how about we don’t engage in chitchat with the prisoner who just tried to destroy the world?” Tony chips in with a bitterly sarcastic smile.

Steve simply rolls his eyes.

Tony arches a brow though when he notices the man’s – this Loki; whoever he really is – slightly panicked look. “Besides Hulk, who the hell do you have to fear?” He asks, nay demands. He can’t deny his peeking curiosity, but he really does have to wonder what the hell a so-called God could be afraid of.

Steve slowly raises his head to glance out of the window when another streak of lightning lights up the night sky. “Maybe another one of him.” He motions to the raven haired man. “Maybe a bigger one of him.”

Loki holds in the irritated scoff, because even those who don’t know a damn thing about her only seem to remind her of what she isn’t, nor will ever be. Instead, she shoots “Cap” a bitter smile and tells him, “And I thought you were all morons.”

Before anyone else has time to say anything else, a blinding white light smacks into the jet, then, followed by a dull thud on top of the roof.

Loki takes a deep breath for what is about to come and not but a second later, the ramp door is being pried effortlessly open. And there he stands in all of his annoying glory: Thor, God of Thunder. Loki barely notices the dumbstruck faces of the so-called champions of Midgard. Her wide eyes are glued to those annoyingly lovely eyes of his, now narrowed in anger right back at her.

This is one time that Thor sees straight through her tricks, although, he briefly thinks, she hasn’t chosen to appear all that different, she simply looks as though she would if she had truly been born a male. He wants to believe it’s the anger and the hurt of betrayal he feels which allows him to see her when he looks at the man he stalks up to. But as he grabs her/him by the throat and she doesn’t protest, only lets him take her and fly away with her, Thor has to admit (if only just to himself) that after that last look of deep hurt she left him with before letting go of him and falling away from the Bifrost and into the abyss, he’s never been able to think of anything else.

He’s silent as they sail through the air, but the flight is over in a matter of minutes and then, Loki finds herself being thrown into the side of some small mountains – only Heimdall knows where, she thinks begrudgingly. She just wishes she could leave this dank and empty place already. But then, where would she go? To another dank and for sure, empty place, because there is no other place for one such a she.

Loki takes her time getting back up onto her feet. She hears his solid landing behind her, slowly turns to face him. His eyes rake over her, like they always do whenever he check for any injuries, and Loki almost laughs at the entire irony of that. Because no one can hurt her like Thor can... well, Odin definitely can, but that’s an entirely different story... sort of.

Where is the tesseract?” Thor demands.

Loki pulls out her infamous smirk. “I missed you, too, big brother.”

“Do I look to be a gaming mood to you, Loki?” Thor snaps, Mjölnir raised and pointed at her.

“You should be thanking me.” Loki spits out, eyes narrowed. “With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the Allfather have to conjure just to send you here, hm? To your precious Midgard, and your lovely Jane.”

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now