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“We need you.”

“I’m working on escaping, I promise.” Thor nods, but – “I don’t even know where I am.”

Heimdall nods. “You’re on a planet surrounded by doors.” He tells his Prince, slowly backs up to draw Hǫfuð from his back holster. “Go through one.”

Which one?” Thor asks, briefly glances over his shoulder to see one of the undead Asgardian soldiers from Hela's army of death advancing towards his dear friend.

Heimdall raises Hǫfuð at the ready, all-seeing eyes looking straight through his Prince as the animated corpse charges at him. “The big one.”

“Then, why didn’t you just –“ Thor stumbles back a little as his home shrinks away from him and he’s left standing back in Hulk’s (prison) bedroom. ”– say that..?”

Thor takes a moment to collect himself, and another few moments to process that his people are still alive – most of them, for now, anyway. Heimdall told him how Hela easily slayed the entire Asgardian army without it even slowing her down; told him how Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun all courageously sacrificed themselves while trying to take the death bitch down.

His friends... all dead.

At least Sif is still alive. Though, where she is, he knows not. Last he heard, she was back in Midgard. For pleasure, or business – he doesn’t know that either. He just hopes he’ll see her and the rest of his people real soon.

Thor huffs – still very much sick of this fucking place. He turns his back to the window, then jumps in surprise when he sees he’s not alone anymore. Even though he’s happy to see she’s still OK, Thor shoots his sister a withering glare for startling him. (He knows she can only creep up on him through her magic, also knows she takes full advantage of that fact.. for entertainment purposes only!)

“Sorry.” Loki means her apology, but also, can’t help smirking amusedly.

Thor simply hums in response, walks over to sit on the steps (leading up to Hulk’s bed – which he will mostly definitely not be touching, let alone be sitting on.)

Loki takes a seat beside him before asking, “Are they alive?”

Thor arches a brow, looks slightly surprised again, fights back a smile (because he knew she cared.) He nods, tells her, “Civilians, yes.”

Loki sighs quietly, nods. “So, you’re literally a one man army now.”

Thor shoots her a small pout. “Will you fight beside me no more, Loki?”

Loki shoots him a brief withering stare. “Has that not been my life so far?” She feels guilty in the way she words herself, and the slightly stung look in his bright blue orbs stabs right into her stupid hopeless heart.

Thor nods, sarcastically bites out, “Only when you’re not fighting against me.”

“And in comparison, how long have I spent doing either?” Loki scoffs loudly – and Thor wishes that for once, he could just keep his mouth shut, because now she looks more stung than he feels. “You may have always protected me physically, but you never cared about anything else; never cared whenever your moronic friends made fun of me or told me that I wasn’t good enough to go off gallivanting with you all on your pointless adventures. And even the rare few times I ever was allowed, you would all try to ditch me.”

She leaves out the part where she used to feel so safe and so loved before they grew up and he found his beloved friends, and he forgot all about her – while, admittedly, Loki always hated making friends, which is ironic, because she’s been told how charismatic and social she is by many. And she knows she knows how to talk to pretty much anyone – that is the easy part, especially when she can literally read minds – she just finds she hates most people... mainly because most people are morons.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now