Just Us (Forever)

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“What a pleasing sight...”

With his back facing her, Thor is in the process of bending over to pull his leather pants up his legs. He grins as he straightens his back, grins even wider when he pulls them over his arse and he hears her annoyed little huff. Though, when Thor turns to face her, he feels his body tighten and tingle at the sight of her – just her forehead and green jewels peeking back at him over the edge of the golden bathtub.

Loki arches a brow at him, smiles when he smiles, and though hers is hidden, she knows he sees her eyes crinkle slightly when his own smile widens.

“I was meant to ask you –“ Thor says (anything to distract himself; to keep himself from ripping these stupid leather pants back off and either jumping in that tub with her, or hauling her out of it and back to the bed.) “Brunnhilde – and I’m sure, the rest of our people – would greatly appreciate it if you were to extend your soundproof magic to the rest of our temporary new home...”

Loki chuckles lightly when he ends with a cheesy little grin. “Hm.” She hums, lifts her chin to rest on the edge of the tub, smirks briefly when she hears his lovely heavy pulse quicken (her Jötunn hearing coming in begrudgingly handy.) “For Brunnhilde? No.” She smiles when he begins to sulk (unintentionally, for a change.) “For our people? Maybe.” She smiles even sweet (for him) when he ‘eyes’ her curiously. “For you?” She bats her lashes, brings her arms up to rest on the side of the tub and rests her chin against them instead. “Of course, my King.”

Thor chuckles, finds his legs have a mind of their own as they move him over to kneel before her – his Goddess. In the tub, she has a inch or so of height over him, and Thor feels his skin prickle, body tighten and heart race all at once as she blinks those sparkling green jewels back down upon him. He rests one hand on the edge of the tub, thumb brushing softly over her damp elbow. His other hand gently swipes away the wet jet black locks from her both cheeks, but when he leans up to press his lips to hers, he’s left pouting his lips into her left cheek as she swiftly turns her head to the side.

The giddiness is back in full swing again, spread all over Loki’s entire being. His hand drops from her hair to her other elbow, fingers curling into both her elbows in protest as he shoots her that sweet pouting sulk. “Maybe you should ask me ‘nicely’ first...” She trails off with a suggestive little smirk.

Thor blinks away his arousal, finds himself chuckling, then, shoots her a playful glare as he says, “I knew you were listening.”

“Yes, because I practically told you I was.” Loki snootily replies even as her hands move of their own accord, lifting to his forearms and sliding slowly upwards and stopping at his lovely meaty shoulders.

Thor’s eye flutters for that fraction of a second he allows himself to lose himself under her touch. Briefly overwhelmed, he lets himself go a tiny bit further, for just a few seconds more – he lifts a hand to the back of her neck, finally lifts his lips to hers in a short, but nonetheless, searing and desperate kiss. Thankfully, his actions seem to quell that silver tongue of hers as she melts against him instead. Her arms slide around his neck, her height gaining a few more inches over his as she practically hangs halfway out of the tub.

Thor groans as he feels her dampened breasts and hardened nubs rubbing against his own bare chest. Though, when she moans his name into his mouth, Thor takes all the damn seconds he needs to make her say his name like that, over and over. His will easily breaks under her – as it always has, even before she ever realised it; if she even realises it now. He hauls her out of the stupid tub, licks deeper into her mouth when she lets out a pleasantly surprised gasp. As her legs wrap around his waist, one of his hands grips at her left arse cheek as the other quickly yanks the even stupider leather pants down just far enough.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now