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No matter whatever other reasons Loki tells herself, she knows deep down, the real reason she goes to see him again is just to check he’s still alive, because she really does still care for him, of course she does. She is the Goddess of Mischief, and yet, it’s Thor who always seems to be getting himself into trouble... on purpose. Sometimes (most of the time), he just can’t help himself. And Loki can understand that. And that is the reason she visits him before his first (and possibly his last, if the Grandmaster gets his way) fight. Because she doesn’t want him getting himself into trouble... again.

This time, when Loki appears to him, she makes sure that he is the only one that can see her illusion. And this time, when she sees him, he’s a lot less solemn (sulky) and a lot more angry. But at least it’s not directed at her anymore.

Thor doesn’t notice her yet, is far too preoccupied at the moment. They haven’t bound him to this chair, even after throwing him down into it, but Thor knows a catch when he sees one, knows if he tries to stand, his entire body will fill with that horribly immense pain again. Though, that doesn’t stop his threats. “By Odin’s beard, you shall not cut my hair, lest you feel the wrath of the mighty Thor!”

The silver haired old man with the silver moustache to match ignores the Asgardian, instead, busies himself with his tools.

Loki rolls her eyes at her idiot brother, but is quickly smirking amusedly when the man turns around with the most horrific piece of metal surgical looking equipment that she’s ever seen.

Thor, too, if his widened eyes of purr terror are anything to go by. He quickly changes his tune then, his tone practically begging. “Please, kind sir, I beg of you... do not cut my hair?”

Loki shakes her head, but this time can’t help chuckling.

Thor’s head snaps towards her at the all too familiar sound, his eyes wide and frantic as he calls out to her. “Loki! Yesss! Sister, please help me?!”

Loki pretends to think it over. “Um..”

“LOKI!” Thor growls her name out – and no matter how angrily he ever does that, she always finds it so thrilling... and rather arousing.

“You’re being very intense again. I’m feeling a little traumatised, brother.” Loki really doesn’t know how she keeps her face straight, has to secretly give herself kudos for it when he shoots her a “thunderous” glare.

You’re feeling traumatised?!” Thor exclaims, has to use all of his willpower to stay seated.

He really is going to strangle her one day...

One day very soon...

“Who the heck are you talking to, fella?” The man finally asks, glances around the small room.

Loki smirks when the man’s gaze passes right over her and Thor is glaring at her again. “Oh, yes, only you can see me right now, dear brother. After all, I did only come to see you.”

She saunters over to the old man, waves a hand in front of his face, then grins back at Thor, who can’t make up his mind between anger and desperation. He clears his throat, shakes his head and tells the old man, “Myself, of course. What? You never talk to yourself? Everybody talks to themselves.”

To which, the old man arches a brow before ultimately shaking his head and pulling his goggles down from his forehead. “Heh.” The man smirks at the Viking looking man. “You’re crazier than me.”

NO!” Thor’s eyes widen as the old man hobbles slowly back over to him with the whatever the fuck that thing is in his hands. “Loki, help me!” He all but squeals out his words, voice cracking and causing Loki to have to bite her bottom lip to keep from laughing. She really does love him, but he really is pathetic sometimes (over his hair; all the time.)

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now