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“It was love at first sight... At least, it was for me...”

Strangely, when they’ve finally reached Asgard, it’s Brunnhilde’s words Thor thinks of rather than the actual destruction of his home that his eyes now lay upon. And even stranger – and definitely mortifying – Loki’s voice suddenly pops into his head (he feels the familiar tether of her mind dipping into his own before he hears her) and he knows she must have heard his thoughts, but she says nothing about it (much to both his relief and disappointment.)

‘Are you still angry with me?’

Thor doesn’t know why he bothers fighting the urge to reply to her, knows he always fails, no matter how angry or upset or simply annoyed with her he is. ‘Yes... No.’ He sighs quietly, tries not to give himself away to Brunnhilde (who’s busy drinking the last bit of alcohol left from her personal luggage.) After the talk the Valkyrie gave him, he really does mean it when he tells her, ‘I understand, Loki. I’m not angry, I’m just worried.’ He sees the faintest flash of her smile, fights the urge to smile, too, and have Brunnhilde surely make (even more) fun of him. ‘Are you OK?’

‘I am.’ Loki tells him, ‘I have to say, I like these new friends of yours. They’re much better than The Warriors Three, or The Avengers.’

‘Is that possibly because they’re letting you take charge over them?’ Thor turns to look out of the side window to hide his smirk when her scoff rings loudly in his head.

Loki both hates and loves how he knows her so damn well. Nonetheless, she’s snooty, but at least humble enough to admit – ‘Of course it is.’

Thor can’t help chuckling quietly, ignores Brunnhilde’s arched brow from the corner of his eye, keeps his gaze ahead out the window as they draw closer to Asgard. ‘We’ve just arrived.’ He’s about to ask how far behind she is, but Loki is already cutting him off, and his heart sinks with the slight distress he hears in her voice.

‘Shit. We have unwanted company.’ Loki hisses, is silent for a few moments, and Thor guesses she’s talking to someone before her voice is popping back into his mind and telling him, ‘I have to go now, Thor.’

Thor feels his heart pang as he tells her, ‘Whatever you do, just make sure you come back to me, Worm.’

There’s another (smaller) silence before Loki’s soft voice fills his head one more time. ‘I promised, didn’t I?’

As he feels her slip away from him, Thor closes his eyes, and takes a moment to calm himself.

“So –“ Brunnhilde pipes up after a moment. ”– what did she say?”

Thor’s eyes snap open, crease with confusion, for all of a split second before they’re widening in alarm instead. “How did you –“

“You’re a very loud thinker.” Brunnhilde tells him, smirks when his eyes widen and fill with even more panic. “I just meant your facial expressions are very telling.” She scoffs out a laugh. “Don’t worry, you weren’t actually thinking out loud, and I’m not secretly telepathic.” She shoots him a highly suggestive smirk as she watches him sigh with relief, cheekily asks him, “Were you two being naughty?”

Thor leans back in his seat and shoots her a deeply unimpressed look.

“I’m joking. Lighten up.” Brunnhilde tells him with a chuckle and a roll of her eyes.

Thor clears his throat, sighs and tells her, “She was just telling me she ran into a little bit of trouble, that’s all. Nothing she can’t handle.”

And he really does believe that; knows Loki can look after herself more than Thor could ever look after himself (on top of looking after Thor, as well – she really is quite something.) However, it never stops the horrid feeling of terror and guilt. Should something ever happen to her, he wouldn’t know what to do. He should be used to her dying on him by now, but the truth is, that only makes the prospect of the real thing feel much worse.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now