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Shiiiiiiit!” Brunnhilde is almost thrown out of the pilot’s seat as the Commodore plunges.

Heimdall knows the Valkyrie is unharmed as the ship whizzes over his head. He can see she’s just as angry and desperate as the rest of his people. He’s also glad to see she’s finally come back home.

Her ship crashes down onto the Bifröst, some good distance away from squashing the Asgardians, but Heimdall smirks with the small satisfaction he feels as a good number of Hela’s undead soldiers are destroyed along the way.

However, in Heimdall’s split second distraction, he feels a blade slicing through his right thigh. He sinks down onto one knee, but has Hǫfuð raised to block the next blow just in time. And as he defends himself against one soldier, another two flank him. He manages to slice the first clean in two at the waist, slices through the second and third’s knee caps.

But a fourth is on him then, kicks him hard in the chest and sends him onto his back with a hard thud. Hǫfuð is knocked from his grasp by the force, and Heimdall can then only hold up his arms and brace for impact (and hope that he’s durable enough to take it without dying.. or, at least, hope that Loki can hurry up, instead of trying to make her usual grand entrance.)

His sight never fails him, of course. The attack doesn’t come. In fact, the undead soldier barely gets to raise its two rusted blades before it’s literally being blown apart.

Heimdall lowers his makeshift shield, hands drawing away from his face as his eyes draw up to see a Kronan being standing before him.

“Hey, man. How’s it going?” Korg smiles sheepishly, adjusts his weapon (a three-pronged laser armed spear – or as Korg calls it, ‘the big wooden fork’), glances around at the battle raging on around them, adds, “I mean, I can see how it’s going, but my mum says it’s always polite to ask.”

“Well, thanks for asking, anyway.” Heimdall says, “And thanks for the saving my arse.”

“Yeah, no problem, man.” Korg waves a dismissive hand. “I’m Korg. This is Miek.”

He points a stony finger to the insectoid being beside him, and Heimdall lifts himself to his feet, offers a small wave in return before retrieving Hǫfuð.

“We’re gonna jump back on our spaceship and get the heck outta here. You guys wanna come with us?” Korg asks, motions towards the other Asgardians, tells them, “There’s plenty of room.”

Heimdall, along with the other Asgardians all turn their heads in unison as The Statesman finally reveals itself from the smoke. And while the others all stare in wonder, Heimdall is smiling proudly up at his Princess. (He never once doubted her.)

From the already lowered and awaiting ramp, Loki stands with wide open arms and a smug grin on her face as she yells out to her people, “Your saviour is here!” And yes, that was absolutely for Hela’s sake, because that cruel bitch has made Loki realise what she herself could have become (without Thor...)

Although, by the looks on thier faces, Loki can see they haven’t exactly forgiven her, either. So, she rolls her eyes as she saunters down the ramp and onto the Bifröst, and tells them, “Just an inside joke. Don’t worry, everyone, I really am here to help.”

Heimdall, of course, is the first to smile at their Princess. “Welcome home, Princess.” He turns to give an OK nod to the others, who seem to instantly relax, then, turns back to her with a small humorous smirk and tells her, “I saw you coming.”

Loki rolls her eyes, but is smiling fondly as she says, “Of course you did.”

Thor can clearly see The Statesman now, can just about make out Loki’s tiny form from where he is. Finally, he lets out a breath of relief, allows himself to think. Unfortunately, he barely gets a split second before Hela in plunging her blade deep into the back of his shoulder. Thor can only let out a roar of pain as she pins him down even harder.

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