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“Again, I don’t know how I’m still so shocked, considering the life I lead, but – is that actually the famous wolf Fenrir?” Bruce knows that now isn’t the time to gush like the true nerd he is (in mind, body and soul), but that younger and even bigger nerd in him can almost never be contained – very much like a certain big green guy he ‘knows.’

From the main pilot seat, Bruce stares through the window, eyes wide with awe (and reasonable terror.) Though, he still can’t believe he’s also actually looking down at the famous Bifröst – so much more beautifully cosmic than he could ever have imaged. Fenrir is definitely just as he imagined, only at least fifty times bigger in real life.

“It is.” Brunnhilde confirms with a nod and a small fond smile. She grabs her Dragonfang, sheaths it rather aggressively into the scabbard clipped to her cloak. Her eyes narrow down at the big black furry four-legged beast as she practically spits her words out. “Big furry bastard is almost as evil as its master. I can’t wait to kill it again.”

Bruce’s eyes widen in horror as his head snaps around to face her. “You’re gonna kill Fenrir?” He sounds rather upset, his eyes then widening again as he realises – “Wait – ‘again??’

Brunnhilde smirks amusedly as she turns to face him and tells him, “Hela’s the Goddess of Death, remember? Which means, she controls Death. Well, to a certain extent, anyway. She’s more like a necromancer, than Death itself, but she’s powerful enough to keep our King busy... but hopefully not powerful enough to actually kill him.”

Bruce looks even more horrified by that notion. “Shit.” He mumbles, feels rather bummed out.. and still terrified. “What if she does manage to kill him?”

Brunnhilde shrugs, tries not to think about such things. Instead, she keeps her head in the game, for Asgard. “We take the people and run as far as we possibly can.” She says simply, “Just like our King ordered us to.”

And while she plans to keep her promise to the Prince who wouldn’t give up on her (as well as the Princess who made her remember who she really is), Brunnhilde really is still willing to die for her people. Even if she’s the only one of her kind left this time around, she’s still not alone.

“OK... OK, let’s do this.” Bruce nods, takes a deep breath, takes a moment to accept her words and the situation at hand, because he knows there’s no other option right now. He just hopes that the big guy will let him come back again, and not just shove him back into the trunk and leave him there to rot for good this time.

Brunnhilde nods back, even offers him a small, but reassuring smile as she tells him, “Don’t worry. Let me do the fighting. You just focus on the piloting.”

(Besides, she thinks, at least he’s completely sober, unlike her...)

Bruce lets out a breathy chuckle, his dark brown eyes lighting up with amusement, despite the nerves wracking his bones and simmering quietly away in the pit of his stomach. “Thank you.” He tells her, and he really does mean it. “And while I appreciate the sentiment, helping you fight isn’t exactly the problem for me.”

Brunnhilde arches an intrigued brow, waits for him to go on, and scowls in wonder when he doesn’t, simply turns back in the pilot’s seat and takes hold of the throttle. She stares at him with deep curiosity, odd sort of scowl now creasing her brows – because this jittery and weirdly sweet mess of a man is certainly an enigma to her (way more so than Loki, who, to Brunnhilde, is a lot less mysterious than she thinks she really is. To Brunnhilde, Loki seems like the quiet, bookish – know-it-all – type.)

Shit.” Bruce hisses – snapping her from her thoughts – as he turns his head to face her, just briefly enough to inform her, “Your people have reached the other end of the bridge, and Fenrir’s blocking them..” His eyes widen again as he stares down at the scene and warily asks the Valkyrie, “How strong is he, exactly? Is his strength proportionate to his size? Like, he's literally so big, he looks like he’s standing on a multi-coloured pirate’s plank right now, so, is he also strong enough destroy the Rainbow Bridge?”

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