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For a moment there as Hulk is doing his thing and smashing his fists repeatedly down onto Thor as he just lies there and takes it, Loki is worried. She’s also thrilled it’s not herself receiving the Hulk’s brutal treatment again, but she’s slightly concerned her brother is giving up again. A thing he seems to do a lot, for someone so determined. Which is probably why he's always been so easy to sway to fight again.

However, Loki is leaning forward in her seat, her eyes then glued to the white static charge of electricity building up around her brother. His eyes then glow, too, and then, Loki is flopping back against her seat in defeat; in Hulk’s defeat. She risks a quick glance at The Grandmaster, sees his jaw slightly dropped.

Thor isn’t watching Hulk crash back into the sand or listening to the crowds now cheering, “Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!” Instead, he’s staring in wonder and slight confusion down at the electricity mapping over his entire body. He lifts his arms up to take a closer look, feels the power radiating within as he gives both hands a small squeeze and hears the currents crackle.

Loki is loathe to admit she’s impressed. But still, he’s only taken over fifteen hundred years to realise his true power never came from Mjölnir (no matter how powerful the enchanted weapon was.) And still, it would have been nice to see Hulk maybe throw him around some more. Maybe she just asks for too much... pfft.

But it’s simply not to be for Loki as she watches Thor easily dodge and block every next attack from the green beast. He’s clearly in his zone, as he most often is when fighting, and Loki can see Hulk growing more and more frustrated with her brother, making it easier and easier to dodge the sloppy and angry attacks. And of course, seeing Hulk sulking so hilariously over the crowds no longer cheering for him is just a sweet little cherry on top for Loki.

She watches then as finally both Thor and Hulk go charging full force at one another. And Hulk makes a good effort, but Loki knows Bruce is still in there somewhere, and it’s the human part of him that ultimately lets him down. They crash into the sands, Thor standing his ground and somehow dodging the Hulk’s punch as Thor then instantly delivers his own thunderous punch.

The crowd’s cheers almost deafen Loki, though, she barely registers as she sits there with her arms folded over her chest. “He couldn’t just get beaten up a little bit more before winning, could he?” She grumbles to herself, now taking her turn to sulk.

Thor sighs tiredly as Hulk groans, still lying flat on his back in the sands. He won’t kill his friend, no matter who thinks they can force him to. But he most definitely will let Hulk know that the mighty Thor is not to be messed with. Especially when he’s trying to save his people – if he even has any left to save.

Loki watches with mild curiosity as her brother slowly moves towards the green beast; mainly because she just wants to see what Thor will do now.

The Grandmaster finally seems to have seen enough then, quickly presses the zapper button on his control stick, watches as the thunder man’s obedience disk just as quickly incapacitates him as he goes falling limply into the sand beside his prized champion. But hey – now he has two champions.

Loki turns to look at him when she feels his eyes on her, sees him grinning like a kid in a Midgardian candy store. She clears her throat, tries not to sound like she cares; tries to sound more in nosy (like he already thinks she is – which, pot and kettle) as she asks him, “What will you do with him?”

The Grandmaster’s grin widens as he tells her, “I have a new champion.”

Loki quickly rises to her feet when he does, sneaks a glance back to her brother only to see him already being harshly knocked unconscious by the green beast as half the crowds cheer and the other half boo.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now