Never Break Your Promises

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With the Necrosword shattered, Thor is left with his lightning, uses it to bat away the small death blades. Hela comes swooping towards him with no time to spare, and Thor barely just manages to catch her by the throat and toss her clear over his shoulder. As Hela and Brunnhilde then charge at one another, Thor turns to the Arc, sees Heimdall watching him with deep concern.

“Save the people! Go now!” Thor shouts out to him over the loud whirring of the ginormous engines. He sees Heimdall looks more than hesitant, but doesn’t have time for anything else other than just about managing to dodge out of Hela’s next attack. He easily bats away the first Necrospear, but another, much thicker one quickly lodges itself in his right shoulder.

Hela tosses him down the opposite end of the Bifröst, then quickly marches towards the ship full of her traitorous people.


“Shit! No!”

Loki hears his voice through his mind, sees what he sees through his eyes as she runs at full speed through the half crumbled Palace (once her home, though, not for a while, even before Hela half burned it down.) She then hears his thoughts in her own mind, feels him connecting with her, feels her heart ache desperately at how equally desperate and distressed he sounds.

‘Loki, please hurry!’

Loki rushes down the stairs, uses her last little bit of energy right now to teleport right over to where Surtur’s crown stands on the stone podium. ‘I have it!’ She tells him the moment she latches onto the horned skull, rushes back towards the Eternal Flame, but instantly finds herself halting beside the Tesseract. Her green eyes are drawn to the blue light emitting from the small glass box holding the Infinity Gem inside. And she doesn’t know why – maybe it’s some lingering leftover trauma of her not so pleasant times ‘working’ for the Mad Titan – but she slowly lifts a hand and places it down on the box. Only this time, she doesn’t feel any great immense power coming from within, feels nothing at all in fact.

Loki chuckles to herself after a moment and then a dawn of realisation. “It’s fake. Oh, Odin, you sneaky bastard. When the fuck did he manage to pull that off?” She ponders aloud, smirking and feeling rather impressed with the old man (he always did have a special talent for misplacing things or covering them up.)

‘Loki! She’s damaging the ship!’ Comes Thor’s frazzled and slightly angered thoughts popping into her head.

Shit!” Loki hisses, “Sorry! I’m doing it! I’m doing it!” She tears herself away from the falsified Tesseract and over to the Eternal Flame.


Thor is surprised to see Skurge suddenly leaping off of the Arc, two hand-held machine guns under both arms. Thor watches him fire rapidly, continuously, allows himself to smile as the jagged shards of Hela’s death grip on the side of ship fall to pieces, allowing the Arc to get away finally; allowing his people to finally be free.

(He knows, if anything, Heimdall will make a damn good leader, feels comforted in the knowledge of his dearest and oldest friend – Loki doesn’t count because she’s his Loki, his Worm – taking care of their people.)

And it may be a little last minute, but it’s better late than never that Skurge seems to have a change of heart. He makes a valiant effort, Thor thinks as Thor himself struggles to rip the large spear from his flesh, uses the lightning to help himself heal at a more instant rate.

Skurge guns as many of the undead soldiers down as he can, and when he finally runs out of ammo, he’s using the guns themselves to batter any attacker coming his way. That is until one gun is torn away from him, and then in the next instant, one of Hela’s death blades come flying from her grasp and right into her traitorous lackey’s still beating heart.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now