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Brunnhilde has to admit that she didn’t see this coming; didn’t realise her big green – dim – friend was capable of trickery. She glares down at the beast under her boot and plastered to the floor (from where she just swiped his feet out from underneath him) just as he grins rather sheepishly back up at her.

“Sorry, Angry Girl.” Hulk really does feel guilty for tricking her, but he’s also just happy to help his baby armed friend in any way he can (without getting himself in trouble, of course.)

Brunnhilde glances over to the so-called Asgardian Prince, arches an unimpressed brow as he shoots her a pleasant smile that’s clearly as false as everything else on this stupid planet. She gives her green friend a shove with her boot before walking all over him and down the steps towards the Prince. “Are you so fucking stupid that you can’t tell when someone’s hiding halfway across the universe and wants to be left alone?” She snaps as she makes her way towards the entrance.

Thor sighs, slowly follows after her. “We need to talk.” He tells her, tries to sound firm without sounding demanding – because he still respects the Valkyrie (all of them.)

No.” Brunnhilde scoffs, halts just to turn and shoot a glare at him. “You wanna talk to me. And thanks, but no thanks. Goodbye, Your Majesty.” She states before turning back towards the entrance (and the useless two Sakaarian guards who let this happen.)

“Wait, I –“ Thor purses his lips in annoyance before turning back to his friend and telling him, “I need her to stay for a moment.”

“Huh? Oh. Um... Ah!” Hulk nods, quickly turns and literally rips out the jaw bone (half the frame of his bed) before tossing it clear across the huge room.

Brunnhilde halts as the large bone crashes down just inches in front of her. She doesn’t bother to look back as she glares at the bone instead (also shoots the idiot guards a brief glare each for merely stepping aside to not get crushed.)

Thor turns to his friend, silently mouths, “what the hell was that?” while Hulk simply shrugs hopelessly in return and shoots him a “well, it worked” look.

“Stay!” Hulk then shouts, earning him another scolding look from his baby armed friend. He smiles sheepishly back before hopefully adding, “Please?

Thor nods in satisfaction before turning back to face the Valkyrie. “Please.” He adds a little more politely.

Brunnhilde slowly turns back to face him, brow arched, but nods as she chirps out, “Alright.” She then saunters over to the shelf filled with various coloured alcohol contained bottles. “I’ll make you a deal.” She says as she takes a moment to scan the shelves. “I’ll listen to you talk until –“ She finally grabs the largest bottle she can find, takes the lid off, tosses it to the floor and turns to face him again. ”– until this is finished.”

Thor takes in the bottle filled practically to the top with a horrid dark brown looking liquid, then nods in acceptance.

Brunnhilde shoots him a pleasant, almost amused smile before tipping her head back and proceeding to down the entire contents in one full swig.

Thor looks somewhere between impressed and rather horrified as his eyes widen. “Uh, Asgard is in grave danger.” He speaks as quickly, but as clearly as he can, a small panic rising in him as he watches the brown liquid quickly disappearing by the second. “Half the people are already dead and the rest are still dying and I need your help to... Wow.” His mouth drops slightly, frown creasing his brows when he sees the bottle is now already empty.

“Finished.” Brunnhilde drawls out with a smack of her lips. “Bye.” She shoots him a bittersweet smile, simply loosens her fingers and lets the glass bottle crash to the floor at her feet and then, is quickly brushing passed the Prince with a small scoff.

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