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Thor doesn’t know which part is the worst – Loki, missing again (hopefully not dead... again), Hela now on the loose, Mjölnir fucking destroyed like it was just a twig, or the fact that he, the God of fucking Thunder has been neutralised by a tiny neurological device slapped onto the side of his neck (like a damned pet!) It’s all very shitty for him right now. When he lands on this cursed planet (wherever the hell it is) he’s face planting rather ungracefully against the window of the cockpit, then hauled up by this space scrapper (nasty fellows, most of them, in Thor’s experience anyway.) This one is a woman, a rarity in itself, but Thor doesn’t let her beauty stand in the way of his anger.

Thor pries himself off of the floor, glares over at her as he watches her snatch up the small speaking device.

“This is Scrapper 142. I need clearance and an audience with the big boss.” She smirks over at him, sullen and rather glazed over orbs lit up in clear amusement. “I’ve got something real special for him. Trust me, he’ll like this one.”

“Hey!” Thor finally steps over to her, has finally had enough... well, he already had enough after Hela, but now he’s just... annoyed. “Where the hell are you taking me?” When he glares harder she only ignores him and takes a large gulp of the rank smelling bottle.

Scrapper 142 simply unclips her belt, slowly wavers as she pulls herself up to stand before him. “Well, aren’t you pretty?”

Thor wrinkles his nose, but then his anger is back in full force as she suddenly latches a grip tighter than Banner’s “hulkish” grasp. “Hey! Take your hands off of me! And answer me, damn you! I am Thor, son of Odin! Prince of Asgard! And I need to get back to Asgard before it’s destroyed!” He thinks he sees a little glimmer of something in her eyes when he mentions Asgard, but she quickly recovers and shoots him a clearly unimpressed look.

“That’s a very touching story.” She drawls out, other hand slipping into her back pocket for the button. “My apologies, Your Majesty.”

Thor’s eyes widen when he sees what’s in her hand. “Wait! Wait a second! No, no, no, no – ARGHH!”

Scrapper 142 calmly watches him seize up before flopping to the ground like a pretty little fish. She sighs tiredly, reaches back for the bottle and takes another big gulp.


“He’s wonderful...”

Thor’s still taking deep breaths to calm himself over whatever the fuck really just happened. Honestly, it was a thousand times worse than Strange yanking him about. His insides now, are only just starting to rearrange themselves back into order. He swears, he doesn’t know how the hell he hasn’t vomited again.

“Is it... a he?”

And now, this weird looking man is staring over him like a new toy and Thor is just trying not to panic again. This man, whoever he is... he feels a lot of power radiating from him. Maybe even more than his father...

“It’s a he.”

Thor glares over at the scrapper. This is all her fault! He doesn’t even remember how the fuck he ended up captured by her. Even while completely drunk, she still managed to out move and over power him.

What the actual fuck?

Does being the God of Thunder mean nothing anymore!?

He just hopes Loki’s OK... well, he suspects it. It is Loki, after all.

“Yes. Love it.” The Grandmaster grins, eyes raking over his gift. “You always bring me the best stuff, 142. I love when you come to visit me, it’s always fun.”

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now