Better Than You Think

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With a smile hanging off of his lips, Thor watches her lift a berry – by hand this time – his eye flickering from her face to her wrist. “I still can’t believe you kept it for all this time.” He says from where he lies on his side, elbow propped up, hand planted against his temple, and very much still naked. Much to his disappointment, she conjured up a deep green silken robe, though, he’s lucky enough to still get a peek at those lovely breasts of hers whenever she reaches out for another piece of food.

Loki pops the berry into her mouth before lifting her wrist to simply gaze at her bracelet. “Did you...” She frowns, nerves lowly sizzling away in the pit of her stomach as she moves her gaze back to his. “Did you keep the dagger I gave you for you 1, 000th birthday?”

“Lævateinn?” Thor smiles with her, nods, tells her, “Of course I did.” His smile widens as he then tells her, “I still have it. It’s here on the ship with us.”

Loki’s eyes widen with surprise. “I – how??”

Thor’s smile widens a little more. “Heimdall grabbed it from my room before Hela and all hell broke loose.” His expression softens. “I didn’t even have to ask him. He knows how much it means to me. So much so that I’ve never even once used it.”

Loki arches a brow, pretends to pout as she shrugs and mutters, “It can’t mean that much to you if you never want to use it... never want to touch it...”

Thor chuckles at the frown on her sweet face before making a point to reach for her ankle and slowly slide his hand up to cup the underneath of her knee. Maybe (definitely) he uses it as an excuse to touch her, but he does also really enjoy the little hitch of her breath when he gives her knee a gentle squeeze. “You mean like this?” He gives her another firmer squeeze, thumb brushing in light circles over her skin, and simply marvels at how well she reacts to him (even when he’s barely touching her – now maybe she knows how he feels around her.)

Loki somehow pushes through the other side of the distraction, of his thumb still brushing against her. “If this is how you touch your weapons, I think your mind is more disturbed than my own.”

Thor smirks up at her, but ignores her statement in favour of answering her previous. “I use my weapons. I don’t use the ones I love, or the things that I love. I cherish them greatly.”

“I see.” Loki mimics his position, his hand slipping from her leg as she uncrosses them and lays on her right side. The now larger plate of Asgardian food sits snugly between them, and Loki fights a small smirk when she catches his eye flit down to her body as the robe slowly vanishes out of thin air. Instead, she’s smirking smugly as she says, “I’ve sucked you emotionally soft as well, have I?” She smiles amusedly when he shoots her weak glare, picks up and shoves a berry and two nuts into his mouth and chews aggressively while now sulking. “I’m joking... kind of.” She huffs out a laugh when he doesn’t look at her, only glares down at the food as he shoves more berries into his mouth. She leans in to press an apologetic kiss to his lips when he’s finished chewing and swallows, fights the urge to lick her lips at the sweet taste and tries to look as sincere as possible as she says, “I’m sorry. But you know I’m no good at the emotional thing.”

Thor finally looks at her, feels himself easily crumble at the sight of the terribly nervous look in her eyes again. “You’re better than you think.”

Loki scoffs out a clearly disbelieving laugh. Still, she gives the whole thing a go (for him.) “I... I love you. Of course I do. You and Frigga are all that ever truly mattered to me. I know I’m cold, and overly opinionated, and difficult... distant. But I... I try not to be.” She sighs loudly in defeat, lets out a bittersweet chuckle. “Gods, that sounded pathetic.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now