Jealous And A Traitor

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[7 Years Ago...]

Loki watches Sif, Volstagg and Hogun rush the wounded Fandral away. Right now, she’s still rather confused (and a lot afraid) of what just happened to her back in Jötunheim. She feels a little dazed, her brother’s angry booming voice suddenly then snapping her from her slowly racing thoughts.

Why did you bring us back?”

Odin halts just outside the throne room, quickly swirls around to face his son while wearing a deeply livid expression. “Do you even realise what you have done?!” He hisses, snaps, “What you have started now?!”

Loki’s still so lost in her thoughts that she almost bumps into her brother.

Thor scowls, grips Mjölnir as he steadily replies, “I was protecting our home.”

Odin scoffs, grits out, “You cannot even protect your friends.” He arches a fluffy white brow, tone full of disappointment as he asks his son, “How can you ever hope to protect your kingdom?”

“There will be no kingdom to protect if you are too afraid to act!” Thor snaps back.

Loki’s eyes widen at that, slowly drift over her brother’s shoulder to see their father quietly seething – she can see the rages storming in his one eye. Though, her eyes widen a little in terror at her brother’s next words...

“The Jötunn beasts must learn to fear me! As they fear you!” Thor roars, knows he’s not making anything better by only working himself up. But his father seems to have mellowed out in his old age; gone soft. And if Thor is to be king when he really never even wanted to be, then he won’t be suffering any fools. “Whatever the cost – the realms must know that the new King of Asgard will not be held in contempt!”

Loki is frozen for the moment as her thoughts continue to race faster and faster –

What if she is a Jötunn?

What if she is a beast?

Should she, too, fear Thor?

(Would Thor hurt her if he ever found out?)

Loki feels more wounded than afraid of that last question.

“That is pride and vanity that talks! Not leadership!” Odin roars right back. “Have you forgotten everything I have taught you?! And what of a warrior’s patience and calmness?!”

Thor scoffs loudly, waves a dismissive hand. “You would stand and give useless speeches from behind the safety of your palace walls, waiting and being patient, while the entire Nine Realms laugh at us!”

“Thor, shut up.” Loki finds herself hissing as she digs her elbow into his side. As always, she tries to save him from himself, and as usual, she doesn’t know why she even still bothers.

“No, you shut up.” Thor huffs out as he shoulders her away from him – and instantly feels the guilt stabbing at his heart when he sees the rather hurt look on her sweet face.

Odin glances to Loki, sees her expression, too. His eye snaps back to Thor, narrows as he says, “You are vain, greedy and cruel boy.”

“And you are just an old man and a useless fool!” Thor furiously blurts out before he can even begin to try to stop himself. Both his and Loki’s eyes slowly widen as the silence quickly grows deafening around them.

Odin is terrifyingly calm, and by this reaction, Loki doesn’t need her abilities to see how much that just stung him. Finally, he says, “Ah, a fool, I was, yes.” He nods, sighs quietly, shakes his head sadly. “A fool to think that you were ready.”

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