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Loki has heard and read all of the stories. She’s seen countless sketches, and heard endless theories. All mere fantasies, and all nothing compared to the real entity itself... himself...


Loki knows she’s dreaming – possibly having a vision. She’s left watching over the unfolding scene. She’s stood in a place with waters that barely reach halfway up her heeled boots, but are infinite as far her eyes can see. The only occupants of this place are Eternity himself, because Loki feels like she’s not entirely there and knows it to be true when another being appears, rushes through what looks like a wormhole, and his wild red eyes look right through her as they take in his surroundings.

Loki stays where she is, simply watches the bald and rather grey and pasty looking cloaked figure stumble towards Eternity – who simply stays “eternally” where he sits, crossed-legged and outwardly emotionless and featureless. But what a sight the entity of eternity really is to behold – antlers as high as the clouds themselves, body filled with space and time itself, stars and planets and nebulae and galaxies all twinkling within each part of his form.

Loki strains to hear what the cloaked man is saying, even takes a few steps closer, but is only met with more silence. She’s about to take another step forward when the wormhole spits out another more familiar figure to her.


His hair is long again, and he looks a little older, not just physically, but Loki can see the old tired look in his eyes (the same one Odin wore before he grew weary of his life...)

Loki rushes forward then, and she doesn’t know why she feels so desperate to get to Thor, but it feels horribly like she hasn’t seen him in years and years. But just as she reaches out to place her hand over his shoulder, both he and the cloaked figure suddenly disappear completely out of sight. And once again, Loki is left standing in this eerily peaceful place, but now, she is stood right before Eternity himself.

Loki slowly takes a step back and raises her head to take him all in. He towers above her, making even the biggest Frost Giant she’s ever seen look like a mere infant dwarf. He’s completely unmoving, which Loki suspects is just another “eternal” thing about him.

Finally, after an annoyed huff escapes her, Loki speaks up – because she knows he knows she’s here. And now that she’s taken a moment to calm herself, she knows what she just saw was a mere future apparition of Thor – and whoever the hell that was with him. “If I may ask – why have you summoned me?”

He doesn’t speak out loud, nor in her mind, but Loki does suddenly then feel a sense of knowing wash over her, and just like that, her question is answered.

Loki scowls, ever defiant as Thor is optimistic. “But it’s Thor. You’re seriously telling me that even if he joins up with all the heroes of this universe, they will STILL fail?”

Again, he answers her the same way.

Loki snaps. “No! They WILL find a way! THOR always finds a way!”

And then, Loki doesn’t hear him say the words, but she feels them, and he might as well have said them out loud because they don’t hurt any less.

There is only one way.

A fear washes over Loki then, one that she knows is only her own. “So... if I let Thor save me... he dies.” Her lip wobbles when the feeling of his answer washes over her. “All this time, I wished to be his biggest distraction... And now that I am...” She smiles bitterly, fights back tears as she grumbles out, “It’s not fair. I just got him... We wasted so much time...”

Time is all there is. Time is all we ever have.

It’s still Eternity speaking, Loki knows, but hearing him using Thor’s soft voice in her mind finally makes her tears roll silently down her cheeks.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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