Thor In Love

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Thor still hasn’t given up on returning to save his people and hopefully his home, too; he is still determined. But it’s a silent determination, and slightly begrudging (depressed) now that Loki has left him alone again. On top of everything else, he still worries if (or when) her luck will finally run out with The Grandmaster.


Fuck his life right now.

By nightfall, Thor is still sitting on the steps in Hulk’s room; still glaring out of the window, more angrily each time he tries and fails to remove this blasted metal disk from his neck.

Hulk – who had gone off to train with his stupid new Valkyrie friend – returned alone (good) just before the sun set on this (backwards) planet. Both have been ignoring one another since Hulk returned, and that suits Thor just fine right now as he puts a little more of his anger into trying again.

Hulk finally rouses from his nap at the sound of slightly pained groans and annoyed huffs. He pulls himself up to sit on the end of his awesome bed (frame made from the jaws and various other bones of some other huge and monstrous Sakaarian beast) – he appreciates the things he never had when he finally has them (unlike stupid Banner.) He sits there, for now, simply watches his so-called “friend” with mild entertainment and even a little interest.

Thor tries yet again to yank the metal disk from his neck, but comes away with absolute failure (yet again.) He lets out a quietly frustrated huff, slaps his hands to his knees and grits his teeth as he glares back out of the window (out to the city now filled with equally bustling nightlife.)

“Thor sad.” Hulk finally speaks up, tone somewhere between taunting, but also rather sympathetic.

“Oh, shut up.” Thor grumbles, briefly throws his glare over his shoulder before casting it back to the window wall.

Hulk narrows his eyes before slipping off his bed. He thuds over to the tiny prince, shoves a hand into his tiny shoulder. “Thor sad!” He repeats with a little more emotion.

Thor grits his teeth in anger as he’s pushed down one step. He rolls onto his back and glares up at the dim green beast. “I’m not sad, you idiot.” He snips as he then huffs his way up onto his feet. “I’m pissed off!”

“Aw.” Hulk half humours him, half amuses himself with picking up his war hammer and loosely swinging it through the air.

“I’m damn well angry, because everything sucks right now!” Thor growls out as he stalks forward and kicks the nearest object left lying around this chaotic mess of a bed chamber.

Hulk frowns as he watches him – because how dare the little baby armed blonde haired shit kick Hulk’s stuff around?!

“I lost my father!” Thor roars, “I lost my hammer!”

Hulk rolls his eyes at that, turns his back out of pure disinterest as he drops his war hammer and moves onto the new platter of food left for him.

“I’m stuck on this stupid fucking planet while my people are about to be slaughtered AND I’m not even sure Loki will return home with me!” Thor glares at the green beast when he turns to him with an amused smirk.

“Puny Green God afraid.”

Thor feels that annoying protective streak in him rising quickly to the surface as he scowls and says, “You’re lucky she hasn’t turned you into a puny green frog.” He smirks smugly as he adds, “Yet.”

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now