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Oh, fuck.. no...

Loki’s heart feels like it falls into her stomach before both her heart and stomach feel like they’re falling out of her ass hole. Because what in the absolute fuck?!

While her brother cheers and jumps excitedly up and down (both confusing and annoying the chaotic crowds), clearly happy to see his friend, Loki, however, is far from happy to see the beast who caught her off guard and made her his little rag doll bitch within a mere matter of seconds. Of course, she could simply conjure up that extra strength (that she lacks from her actual lack of Asgardian blood, and also lacks from being a runt of her own Frost Giant race), and this time she would definitely be ready to win the fight. But that would draw unwanted attention, because for now, she wishes to remain seen as ordinary and unimportant.

Still, the big green bastard is even stronger than he appears.

Which is why, for the initial first few moments of seeing him, Loki’s brain flashes back to their first and last encounter. With wide and slightly horror filled eyes (almost as green as beast’s skin), Loki snaps herself out of her stupor, downs the boozy green liquid (she’s sensing a theme here) in one go, slaps the glass back down onto the tray and immediately turns on her heels.

“Sorry, Thor, I love you, but you can take care of yourself, because I am leaving this planet immediately.” Loki halts just as suddenly as she tries to make her escape, almost bumps right into the one person keeping every soul here trapped (whether they realise it or not.)

“And where do you think you’re going, Lily?” The Grandmaster asks, brow arched and ridiculous cheesy green slapped across his (annoyingly handsome) face.

“It’s actually ‘Loki’ and I just needed to –“

“Yeah, whatever.” The Grandmaster waves a dismissive hand, smoothly loops his arm through hers before she can wander off again. “Come on. This’ll be fun. It always is.”

Hulk lets out a loud roar, is more than happy to have these people cheer for him, because until he found this place, nobody ever cheered for him.

Loki has no other choice; lets him drag her over to their seats – a huge cream white leather couch that Loki shuffles far down on the other end of as soon as The Grandmaster lets his arm slip from hers. Her stomach sinks further, but this time, out of embarrassment rather than fear as her idiot brother’s next words make the crowds grow deadly silent.

“He’s my friend!” Thor cheers, pointing the large retractable blade towards Hulk/Bruce while smiling at the crowds like an excited infant. He glances towards the large glass case overhanging above the crowds, smile widening when he sees his sister. “We know each other!” He tells The Grandmaster, “He’s a friend from work! The Avengers? You’ve probably heard of us. We’re a pretty big deal.”

Loki slowly sinks lower in her seat, nibbles nervously at the tips of her fingers, because she can feel The Grandmaster's eyes on her, no matter how brief.

Thor turns back to Hulk, who is currently goading the crowd back into cheering for him again, which they do, with renewed vigour. Thor chuckles, shakes his head. “Where have you been?” He asks, slightly at awe and obviously happy to know his friend is still alive. “We all thought you were dead! Nat will be so thrilled! Oh, so much has happened since I last saw, Bruce.”

Hulk snaps around to glare at the prince of puny gods. Because how dare he call him ‘Bruce’? He is Hulk!

Thor doesn’t seem to notice the intensely homicidal gaze of his friend as he simply keeps talking. “Not all of it good, unfortunately.” He sighs, maybe just adding a little dramatic flare as he tells his stories. “I lost my hammer.” Though, he still feels the sting of even saying those words out loud and has to pause for a moment, lest he burst into tears and really embarrass himself here. “Like, yesterday. So.. it’s still quite fresh in the mind, you know?”

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें