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“Don’t take this the wrong way –“ Strange pauses to purse his lips to keep from smirking. ”– but you’re even more prissy than your sister.” Finally, he does smirk then, simply cannot help himself as those ocean blue eyes (ringed with thicker lashes than he’s ever seen on anyone) narrow in on him. “I guess that’s a god thing.” He mutters, mostly to himself.

Thor rolls his eyes, but says nothing for the moment. And that’s only because he’s then arching a brow as he watches the wizard-man flutter his hands about. A flash of orange light pulses through Thor’s single strand of hair before it fizzles up into ash in the wizard-man’s hands.

Strange claps his hands together to brush them off, smiles pleasantly at the Thunderer. “Your father’s in Norway. Tønsberg, to be exact.”

Thor offers a grateful nod. Wishes he hadn’t nodded, because then, the scenery shifts around them again, much too quickly this time. Thor is left bending over with his hands gripping his knees as he all, but gags while his insides feel like they’re trying to reorganise themselves.

Strange slowly leans forward, awkwardly pats the Thunderer on the back. “Sorry. That’s only fun for the ones who use it themselves... You’ll be fine.”

Thor glares up at him. “If you do that one more time, I will vomit and it won’t be a pleasant experience for either of us.”

“Right.” Strange holds up both hands in surrender. “That was the last time. Promise.”

Thor warily straightens his back. Finally, he takes in his surroundings, sees that he’s back at the bottom of the large staircase, back where he... magically entered. “We could have just walked.” He mutters, shoots the wizard-man a pointed glare.

Strange smiles sheepishly. “Here.”

Thor watches the wizard-man stretch one arm out as the other rotates in a circular motion. He arches a brow slightly impressed as he witnesses a portal – very much like the one that had opened up on the sidewalk and swallowed Loki whole – quickly growing into existence. Thor peers around the glowing edges of the magical doorway, eyes landing on the lovely green meadow just on the other side.

“He’s waiting for you.” Strange says when Thor faces him again.

“Thank you.” Thor says, completely sincere this time.

Strange nods curtly. “Don’t forget your... umbrella.” He smiles knowingly – he could feel the power of the “umbrella” the moment Thor stepped foot in front of the Sanctum.

“Right.” Thor nods, holds up his right hand and immediately winces at the loud bangs and crashes left in Mjölnir’s wake. “Sssorry...” He hisses quietly, still wincing as he waits.

With folded arms, Strange, too, patiently wants until he’s watching the umbrella sail itself right into the Thunderer’s awaiting hand.

Thor smiles sheepishly, just as sheepishly clears his throat to speak again. “Can I have my sister back now, please?” He asks politely (it’s the least he can do for the wizard-man’s help... and after Mjölnir wrecking his home.)

Before Strange can respond, a golden shimmer ripples through the room. A loud crackling sound echoes around them then, and Strange’s eyes widen with pure surprise as a portal rips open right beside his own.

“Oh, shit.” Thor mumbles, recognises the emerald glow of his sister’s magical aura as it literally rips a hole into the fabric of this realm.

Loki emerges slowly and angrily through the golden fogs that lift and then evaporate altogether once she’s stepped foot back into this reality. She waves a hand carelessly behind her and with that simple motion, she seals the fabric of that existence behind her.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat