Always Protect Me

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[10 Minutes Ago.]

“This is the Asgardian Refugee vessel Statesman! We are under assault! I repeat; we are under assault! The engines are all dead and life support is failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range – we are 22 jump points out of Asgard! Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, and we have VERY few soldiers! We are not a war craft! I repeat; we are NOT a war craft!”

Thor feels like he’s just woken up – he can feel the heat all around him, and he sees the flames, but he smells no smoke... though, he does smell burning flesh...

Something is covering his mouth, and so too, is wrapped around his every limb, keeping him still; trapping him. He feels trapped, but now more than that, he also feels his heart sink as he sees a flash of green and purple. He stares at the coloured and moving shapes, tries to make them out through his one blurred eye (of which he can feel droplets of blood running down from his forehead, but if it’s his blood, or not, he has no clue.)

And then, he hears Loki’s voice, but it doesn’t sound like she’s talking to him...

”– my undying fidelity...”

Thor sees the glimmer of silver in her hand before his eye finally focuses on her perfect face. He watches her launch her blade at The Mad Titan’s throat, pointed edge just a hair away from plunging into his purple flesh. Immediately, Thor’s heart races heavily as a large purple hand slowly wraps around Loki’s throat instead.

Undying, hm?” Thanos hums thoughtfully, barely glances over at Thor before showing Loki a small smirk as he tells her, “You should’ve chosen your words more wisely, little Frost Giant.”

Loki struggles in his grip, her hands clawing at his huge purple fingers as he slowly lifts her from the ground.

Helplessly, Thor can only watch and he strains against his own metal restraints (and for some fucking reason, he can’t seem to summon his thunder!) His eyes flicker to the green lump lying some feet behind the rest of the rubble. His eye focuses, then, instantly widens when he realises it’s Hulk. And whether his green beast of a friend is dead, or not, Thor doesn’t know that either.

The Mad Titan snaps her wrist easily, the dagger shimmering out of existence. She hisses loudly and flinches, and Thanos looks mildly impressed with that before lifting her face inches from his own.

Thor can only watch as Thanos turns to face him, makes eye contact with him. But Thor can only focus on Loki’s wheezes and struggling.

Thanos chuckles when Thor lets out a muffled angry yell.

“You... will never... be a god...” Loki hisses in between choking.

Loki gives up fighting then, and Thor only struggles more against his metal restraints. He struggles and yells his muffled anger and cries of horror up until the very moment he hears her neck snapping. He freezes entirely then as he watches her body go limp in The Mad Titan’s grasp.

“MNNNNNNNN!” Thor screams just as her body is dumped carelessly before him.

No more resurrections...”

The binds around his disappear into thin air, and Thor falls at her side.

“L-Loki, no...”

And then, Thor doesn’t take in anything else. All he sees is Loki’s blue and bloody face, and he just can’t – he fucking can’t

Thor suddenly finds himself bolting upright... from a bed. He blinks away the horror and confusion, eye quickly settling back on Loki’s sweet sleeping face beside him... sweet and sleeping... not dead and bloody... (still Jötunn cold, but not deathly cold as he brushes away the stray hairs fallen into her face.)

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now