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“That was horrible. Ugh.” Thor groans, takes a moment to let his insides stop trying to rearrange themselves after being quite literally battered through ‘The Devil’s Ass Crack.’

Brunnhilde smirks, smirk widening as she glances behind to them to see Bruce still passed out cold in his seat. “It’s not so bad, once you get used to it.” She states with a shrug.


Brunnhilde turns to look at the Prince, sees him scowling through the window in front of them. “You OK?” She feels awkward for asking, but screw, he’s slowly starting to grow on her.

Thor snaps himself out of his thoughts, clears his throat with a nod, turns to offer her a small smile.

It’s clear he’s distracted, and Brunnhilde can guess why. “I know you’re worried about her, but I’m still getting over the fact that she duped me into actually thinking I captured her.” She smirks, shoots him a pointed look as she adds, “I think she’ll be OK by herself just for a little while.”

Thor knows now really isn’t the time to get into things, but he sighs and finds himself guilty again as he says, “That’s the problem. It’s not just for a little while. It hasn’t ever been for just a little while. I always end up leaving her behind. And I just never noticed until now, because I’m an idiot. I... I haven’t been the best brother.”

Brunnhilde knows she’s probably out of line, but she also really can’t help herself as she says, “Maybe that’s because you don’t want to be her brother.”

Thor only looks confused. “What? What’re you talking about?”

Brunnhilde scoffs, smirks. “You’re not serious?” She arches a brow, looks surprised. “Oh, you are serious.” She scoffs again, chuckles and shakes her head. “You’re totally in love with her.”

“Wh –“ Thor scoffs loudly, may sputter through some random noises as he tries to find his voice. “I... am not.”

Brunnhilde rolls her eyes, smirks again as she says, “Very convincing. Though, I don’t know who you’re trying to convince.”

Thor shoots her what he knows is a weak glare by the amused look on her face. “I’m not in love with my sister.” He grumbles, huffs, “Why does everyone keep saying that?” Fuck, is he really that obvious?

Brunnhilde arches a brow, looks intrigued as she asks, “Who’s everyone?

“No, never mind. No one.” Thor shakes his head, quickly moves the topic away from the stupid Hulk.

Brunnhilde’s smirk widens, but she doesn’t press for an answer. Mainly because she’s suddenly more interested in this little family drama (makes a nice change from the blood and gore and murder type family drama.) “She’s not even your real sister.” She points out, waits for his answer. He doesn’t disappoint.

Thor glares at her, a real glare. “Loki is my family. She always has been and always will be.”

Brunnhilde rolls her eyes again, still smirking as she says, “You know that’s not what I meant.” She chuckles at his petulant little glare.

“We grew up together... it would be... weird.” Thor feels his cheeks heating instantly, curses himself in his mind for actually going there. Because now the cat is out of the bag. He winces, doesn’t dare look at the Valkyrie as he waits for her response.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now