Always Thought The World Of You

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As Bruce chats away to Brunnhilde and helps her with gathering the rest of her supplies, Thor joins Loki at the window. They stare out over the city for a few moments, and then, Thor is turning to her, and he tries not to sound as hopeful as he feels as he asks her, “Before, you were adamant about never returning to Asgard again. What changed your mind?”

Loki turns to him, shoots him a playful glare as she tells him, “Frigga.. But mostly you did. As always... you... inspire me... to be less of a coward.” She huffs when he smirks. “And I hate you for it. As always.”

Thor grins at that. “To be honest, I really thought you were... going to leave me... again.” He states rather awkwardly, turns back to glare out of the window when he feels his cheeks filling with heat.

Loki smiles to herself as she looks back out of the window, too. “Well, I am the runt of my Jötunn race, so I suspect that’s where my cowardice comes from.”

Thor scoffs at that, turns his whole body to face her this time as he tells her, “You’re not a coward, Loki.” He says it with so much conviction and affection that it makes her head spin and her heart leap. “You’re just smart enough to know when to choose your battles.” He grins cheekily as he adds, “I should probably finally learn to do that, too.”

Loki bites back an amused grin, though, she’s still smiling as she says, “You probably should, yes. But then, that’s what makes you mighty, isn’t it, Thunder Shit?” She finally does grin then as she adds, “You never back down. Never give up.” (Even Odin gave up, in the end. But not Thor. Never Thor.) She sighs, turns back to the window and away from his intense stare, tells him, “Never gave up on me...”

Thor scowls, tells her, “And I never will.”

Loki turns to face him, is about to answer when Bruce pipes up with, “So, Loki, you promise this isn’t just a trap and that you can actually get us into this Grandmaster guy’s garage without setting off any alarms?” He eyes her cautiously as he waits for her answer.

Loki turns to him with a pleasant smile, nods, tells him, “Yes, sweet Bruce, I promise.”

Thor chuckles as Bruce continues to eyes her carefully. “She’s the Goddess of Mischief, not the Goddess of Death... or Betrayal.”

“OK, so like, she’s not gonna mischievously screw the plan up for us, right?” Bruce asks him. “And I know the whole killing 82 people in two days thing was more the golden stick’s fault than hers, but I mean... is she mentally stable? I’m sorry – I know that’s rich coming from me.”

Brunnhilde shoots the familiar man an oddly endeared smile as she potters drunkenly around in the background – of course listening to their every word.

“Bruce, calm down.” Loki tells him, smiles amusedly as she slowly raises a hand and he flinches. She holds up her other hand in surrender, places her other then when he nods on his shoulder and watches him instantly sag with relief.

Whoa... What did you just... do...” Bruce hasn’t felt this calm in... well, he actually can’t remember how long.

“Loki –“ Thor shoots her a warning look. “What did you do to him?”

“Just a little empathy swap to help keep him calm.” Loki explains, glances to her brother and adds with a small smile, “Like I always used to do with you.”

“Oh.” Thor mumbles, nods, feels slightly stupid now (especially under that emerald gaze twinkling mischievously at him.)

Brunnhilde rolls her eyes to herself at the both of them. They’re cute, but it makes her want to vomit... On second thought, maybe that’s just the Hulksinth she just knocked back. (Maybe.)

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang