A Warrior (Or Even A King)

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“Son. Of. A. WHORE!

Miek squeaks and jumps, but Korg is more concerned over the children (that have gathered to watch them play poker) being exposed to such disgusting language.

“Valk, bro –“

“Yeah, yeah – ‘not buggering cool!’ Tell you what – why don’t you sing me a new one!” Brunnhilde growls out as she slams her stupid cards back to the table.

Korg exchanges a look with Miek before he says, “I have literally never said that nasty word. Especially not in front of kids...” He trails off with a pointed look, nods his rocky head towards the kids.

Brunnhilde forces on her best smile – which looks more like a grimace, and seems to scare a few of the youngest kids. (Good. Then, they won’t bother her anymore. Or ask to play with her Dragonfang again.)

“Oh, my God. What’re you doing?” Korg asks, eyes widened in horror.

“Smiling.” Brunnhilde’s face already aches from it.

“Oh.” Korg doesn’t want to offend her, but he’s more concerned over letting these kids go back to their parents with nightmares. “Please stop?” He asks anyway, for the children, and with a small sheepish grin.

Brunnhilde drops her “smile” in favour of immediately glaring at the stupid pile of pebbles.

“Thanks. You were scaring little Freya here.” Korg gently pats the head of the little girl tucked securely beside him.

“Um, Lady Brunnhilde, are you really a Valkyrie?”

Brunnhilde arches a brow at the annoyingly cute little bean who’s sat himself beside her for the last hour and hasn’t moved. “Don’t I look like one?” She playfully challenges.

The little bean narrows his eyes in suspicion, then, boldly asks her, “If you’re a Valkyrie, may we please see your Dragonfang?”

An internal groan rings through Brunnhilde’s mind. Though, no matter how annoyed she is right now, he still really is just the cutest little bean. (Cute with attitude. Just like herself.) “Of course you –“

No.” Korg cuts in sternly, shoots the Valkyrie another pointed look. (Gosh, he thinks, some people really do have no parental instincts whatsoever.)

This time, Brunnhilde quickly clamps her mouth shut (realises her error.) “You know what – if your parents say it’s OK, then it’s fine by me. But I will know if you’re lying. And I will ask them myself.” She glances briefly at Korg, who smiles; seems pleased with her answer.

The boy huffs. “Great. So, no then.”

Brunnhilde chuckles – smart little thing, he is, too.

“Come on then, kiddies. Off to bed you go.” Korg then announces, just as he sees Thor through the loose groups spattered about. The kids all groan their disappointment as he waves his friend over, who smiles and quickly moves towards them. “Nah, come on, tiny ladies and gents, off to bed. Let the grownups have their own fun, and tomorrow, I’ll promise to teach ya how to count cards.”

Brunnhilde glares at him upon hearing that just as the children all cheer in excitement before scrambling to do as they’ve been told.

“Goodnight, Uncle Korg.” Freya mumbles shyly, though, pushes her through her shyness to give her new friend a hug. (She and her father literally owe him their lives.)

Thor can’t help placing a hand on his heart as he watches the wholesome little thing cling tightly onto Korg’s hand, the rocky appendage almost half the size of her.

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