My Boy

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“Oh, shit...”

Of course Thor is more than pissed off, but that little look he receives when that eye lands on him is almost worth it. Though, it’s not worth the pain he felt, again. It’s definitely worth his surprise return.

“Thor! My boy has returned! Welcome!” Odin pads over to him, moves awfully gracefully for an Asgardian his age.

Thor just about manages to hide his amusement. And he would probably find this more amusing if actually knew where their father was right now. He arches a brow as his father shoos away the two young maidens fussing over him.

“More wine, my King?”

“For crying out loud, bugger off!” Odin hastily hisses, voice barely above a whisper.

The girl gasps, clearly shocked, but quickly scurries off as ordered.

Thor has to purse his lips, has to briefly glance away to keep from smirking. He may still be pissed off, but he really has missed this. Missed her tricks. No matter how ludicrous, at times. He ignores the eyes on them both, takes a few steps towards “father.” He smiles lightly as he glances over to the stage. His tone is all too casual as he says, “An interesting play, father.” He glances back to Odin, arches a brow as he asks, “Does it have a name?”

Loki suppresses a deep sigh, knows she’s already been caught. But she’s still Loki, Goddess of Mischief. And Gods do not back down... so easily anyway. “‘The Tragedy of the Asgardian Princess Loki.’” She says, voice calm and firm... kingly.

“Eh.” Thor wrinkles his nose. “Could be worse, I suppose.” He doesn’t know how, but he manages to stave off another smirk when he sees his “father’s” one eye narrowing ever so slightly.

Odin clears his throat. “Our people wanted to commemorate her.” He says, smiles brightly as the crowds nod their heads, some even cheering a little.

Really, Loki wonders just how it is that she finally has everything she wanted and still only ever feels truly at home when her air-headed (sweet-souled) “brother” is near. It’s just so damn infuriating... and unfair!

Nothing is ever enough, it seems. Just as everything is all just... nothing.

“Indeed, they should.” And Thor really does mean that... he would just mean it a lot more if she hadn’t left him with his heart feeling like it had been carved slowly from him aching chest... again!

She smiles, seems pleased with his answer, but he is so very not done with her. She deserves worse, he reasons. Deserves for him to slam her into another damn mountain top.

“I like the statue better.” Thor casually hauls the giant beast’s skull over his shoulder. Mjölnir is loosely hanging from his left hand, eyes still on them both. Though, his are only on Loki. And this time, he doesn’t fight the smirk rising to his lips as he says, “It’s slightly better looking than the real Loki.” His smirk can only grow when “father” shoots him a withering look (one that only Loki can hold with so much distaste – it warms his still broken heart.) “She wished she was that tall.” When some of the crowd laughs at his joke, he only feels guilt, not the satisfaction he’d hoped for as he watches her one blue eye dart around them.

Loki calms herself, because she’s supposed to be Odin. And Kings do not fall prey to jests they don’t like... they simply kill the jesters instead. Obviously, killing Thor is not an option. Even if she wanted to, she knows she could never take him at brute strength alone.

Thor quickly moves the topic along, is annoyed with himself for the guilt. It’s not he who should be feeling guilty! “I’m sure you know what this is, father.” He finally flips the skull over his shoulder, lets it hand in front of his boots with a loud thud. He can hear the gasps and murmurs seeping through the crowds. He ignores it all, eyes still on Loki.

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