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“I’m sorry, Loki.”

Loki is positively confused by the guilty look in his brilliant blue orbs.

“I thought all of this was your doing.” Thor explains when he sees her expression.

Loki rolls her eyes, sighs and then, pointedly tells him, “Don’t worry, I’m used to you and all of Asgard thinking everything lies on the fault of yours truly.”

The way she’s so blasé about it makes Thor’s heart ache worse than it already does. Their father is gone. Forever. Just like their mother. All they have now is each other. And a whole kingdom of people, of course. But family is highly different.

They barely get five minutes before the light blue heavens above them swiftly turn to black and grey. The winds pick up increasingly by the moment, and both siblings eye each other warily, because they can both feel something – someone – coming. A piercing scream – one that sounds rather overjoyed – rakes through them both, and with an instant flash of lightning and a golden shimmer of light, both Thor and Loki transform back into their Asgardian attires.

They watch the dark portal opening just yards from them, and Loki still takes the time to slap Thor’s hand away when he tries to shove her behind him. “I’ve done just fine on my own without your protection or anybody else’s.” She hisses out, her eyes locking back onto the portal.

Thor almost rolls his eyes, but instead, his gaze is glued to the tall and slender and rather terrifying looking woman that comes sleeking out of the portal like she owns the entire universe. Thor immediately feels bad vibes from her, immediately takes a step forward, mainly to protect Loki.

Loki arches a brow, for a moment, she wonders if it’s Thor who was indeed adopted, because if this woman really is the first born of Odin and Frigga, she looks very much like Loki, herself... the green eyes, though, very much darker than her own, the long black hair, the same slender body and narrowed features. Loki feels slightly sick all of a sudden, because she’s not truly Asgardian... and this woman... Loki wonders (but deep down already knows) that Odin based her human features on his first born daughter... his true daughter.

Is that all she ever really was then?

Just a copy of someone else...

Thor slowly lowers Mjölnir, but keeps a solid grip on the handle, ready to swing and strike. “You must be Hela.” He keeps his voice calm and polite enough, doesn’t want to cause a fight if one can be avoided. Still, he both thinks and feels that otherwise will happen instead.

Hela barely nods, smiling pleasantly, almost with amusement. “He’s gone then?” She’s simply asking for clarification, already felt it the moment it happened, the moment it finally set her free. She almost feels beat when the blonde one only nods. “Shame.” She shakes her head. “I would’ve liked to have seen that.”

Damn, Loki thinks, briefly slightly amused as she wonders just how Thor isn’t the adopted sibling here.

Thor somehow holds on tight to the rage he feels over her almost emotionless tone. She’s nothing like Loki. They may slightly look similar, and Thor is also angry over that sick part of his father’s obvious intentions on that, but this woman is the exact opposite of Loki. Loki is anything, but void of emotion. Anything, but deeply uncaring, no matter how much she tries to deny it.

Thor steels himself, voice still calm as he tells her, “I’m Thor, son of Odin.” He lifts Mjölnir to motion over at Loki to introduce her, too, but is instead, cut off.

“Really?” Hela stares curiously at him. “You don’t look like him.” She sees only the very basic similarities – blonde hair and blues eyes – but she has to admit, he does look like Odin’s father; her grandfather; Bor.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now