Woman-Of-My-Dreams Thing

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“Next time I knock, please be wearing clothes. I mean, you’re very pretty all over, but I still can’t stand the sight of a man’s... sword.”

“Noted... even though I was still half asleep... But thank you for knocking this time.”

Loki has long ago since trained her telepathic ability into switching onto autopilot whenever she begins to wake up. Of course, it started off as a means for protection, but by now it’s just something that happens. It also comes in handy for earwigging, like she is doing right now. She keeps her eyes closed, snuggles into the quilts; into the little warmth leftover from Thor (the only source of heat she’s ever been comfortable with.) In her mind she sees through his left eye, sees him talking alone with Brunnhilde just outside the door.

“Yeah, no problem.” Brunnhilde waves him off, smirks amusedly up at him (and at Loki, unknowingly.) “Sorry to disturb you, by the way, but it has been 28 hours since your people last saw you. They just wanted to know that you’re still alive.”

Thor scoffs and Loki smiles to herself, because he says exactly what she thinks as she thinks it. “No, they were probably worried I’d left them.”

Brunnhilde rolls her eyes, shoots him a withering look. “No, actually, they’re just little gossips, like most tightly knitted societies are.” She grins, playfully elbows him in the ribs. “And you can’t blame them with you and Loki hiding yourselves away, like everyone on this ship doesn’t know exactly what’s going on.”

Loki rolls her eyes under her lids, snuggles further in to chase the last remnants of his warmth (sinks her nose into the sheets below and looses herself in his scent.) Though, the swelling fondness she feels in him still keeps her listening; intrigued.

“How do they know she’s here?” Thor only asks because he’d (arrogantly) assumed she’d just teleported herself right to him.

Brunnhilde shrugs. “Seems like she’s only sneaky when she needs to be.” She then explains, “She popped up out of nowhere – like she does – just as we were reaching deep space. She looked a little paler than usual, but other than that she seemed totally fine, even helped Heimdall and I with the wounded.”

Loki’s eyes snap open into an instant glare... Loki is going to slap Brunnhilde for telling him that, because now Loki will never hear the end of it.

Thor smiles faintly as he remembers his own comments on Loki’s pale complexion, then, he’s smiling brightly; smiling happily as he says (more to himself), “My Worm is still a little softie.”

Loki groans loudly into the pillows, because now, she’s definitely going to slap the Valkyrie.

Brunnhilde lets out a loud and amused snort. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that, Your Majesty.”

Loki smirks amusedly.

Thor, however, looks confused until he follows the flicker of her gaze down to his (now clothed) cock. He shoots her a withering look. “Oh, yes, very funny. And so clever, too.”

Brunnhilde causally holds out both arms, shrugs and chirps, “It’s an automatic charm of mine.” She grins, cheekily asks, “Hey, do you maybe have any other sisters that I could be with? Maybe one that isn’t evil, or dead, or already in love with you?

Loki has to chuckle at that; has to admit that was pretty funny. Especially when she can feel him trying to glare and sulk at the same time.

“I’ve changed my mind – you’re not funny at all.” Thor casually airs as he crosses his arms over his chest.

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