This Isn't A Lie

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“I love you, Loki. I am in love with you...”

His words are on repeat in her mind like some sort of pretty song. The very words she’d always longed to hear him say to her. And now that he’s said them, Loki feels exactly as warmed and as loved as she thought she would. Only, she never thought this far ahead. So now, while Thor is taking his own bath and she’s left to her own devices, she’s also left with the lingering nerves of where they both go from here.

Loki busies herself with tending to her empty stomach. Her nose wrinkles at the food on offer on the small banquet by the window, and with a huff, she instead creates herself a small plate of Asgardian hog meat, some bread, some nuts and some berries. She probably should reserve using her magic until her wound is fully healed, but she’s definitely sick of Sakaarian food (it’s too sickly, more so than Midgardian food, which Loki actually does enjoy almost as much as Asgardian food.)

She makes her way back to the couch, sets the plate beside her as she makes herself comfortable. She folds her legs neatly (and carefully) under her bottom, leans back against the armrest, plucks up a couple of berries and playfully tosses them up into the air. She uses her telekinetic ability, the berries slowly then floating down into her awaiting mouth. She does it a few more times, mostly with the berries, but with a few of the salted nuts, too. She keeps herself entertained until she’s startles at the sound of a familiar chuckle. The floating nut falls back to the plate, her head snapping up, and she’s sure her eyes widen (just a little) as they take in the (glorious) sight of his naked (and still damp) torso.

Thor, clearly oblivious of his effect on her right now, wears a brightly fond smile as he says, “Haven’t seen you play that game since we were kids.” He’s glad to know she still does; glad to know his Loki really was always still in there somewhere deep down.

As he moves back over to the golden platter of booze, Loki drags her eyes away from that beautifully golden skin, frowns down at her plate of food – suddenly a lot more hungry for... something else. Not that her looking away helps any when he comes walking back over the couch. She moves the plate closer to her, makes room for him as he takes a seat beside her. He holds two glasses of the red liquid in either hand, and she offers a grateful smile and takes the one he holds out for her. At least he has the leather pants back on rather than walking around in a towel, she briefly thinks, though, the tightness of the leather doesn’t leave much to the imagination. She mentally scolds herself, distracts herself by plucking up another few berries and eating them as slowly as she possibly can (just to give herself something else to do.. other than ogle his – perfect – flesh.)

“How’s your wound?” Thor asks, taking a few large sips to calm his nerves.

“Better.” Loki lifts her gaze back to his, small smirk tugging at her lips.

Thor chuckles at that, though, only to ignore the heat still simmering away in his very soul.

Loki mentally scolds herself again, but this time over being the idiot she’s really being right now. This is Thor. Whether she’s in love with him, or not, it’s still Thor. And she has always been closer to him than anyone else – including their mother. Which means she doesn’t have to be nervous or anxious around him.

Thor arches a brow when he sees the mischievously playful glint in those pretty emeralds, narrows his eye in suspicion. He’s about to ask her just what she’s up to when one of the berries from her plate comes floating up in between them. Thor grins, immediately opens his mouth and watches it come sailing right to him.

Loki feels like a fool for how much her cheeks ache from smiling right now, but also, she can’t actually bring herself to care. She lifts another berry, now almost distracted from the fact that he’s still half naked (she’s seen him half naked a million times, but it’s different now) as she floats it into his mouth again. He laughs again, pretty blue eye crinkling as he waits for her to do it again (and her mind flashes briefly back to the fond memories of them doing just this as children.)

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now