Even A Blind Man Could See It

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Hela spiral-leaps over his incoming attack, her feet landing on the end of Gungnir and smacking the spear down onto the floor. She leaps again, anticipating his next move when he hauls the spear upwards to knock her off, instead, gracefully flips back and lands on her feet again.

When he charges forward and swipes the spear at her again, this time, she lets the force hit her forearm as she raises it to block the blow. In one swift motion then, she follows the twist he makes and latches a hand onto the spear, holding it in place. And he doesn’t let go, still has a firm grip on it, in fact, but she still isn’t impressed.

“To be honest, The Mighty Thor Odinson, I expected more from you.” She doesn’t give him a chance to answer, doesn’t need an answer as she twists the spear the rest of the way around, throws both it and him clear across the already half destroyed throne room.

Thor lands with a hard thud, rolls onto his side with Gungnir clattering down just a few feet away from him. And now, as he takes a second to just breathe, it finally sinks in that he probably won’t be able to defeat her.

At least, not by himself.


“The zombies have reached the bridge!” Bruce calls out, while somehow maintaining his composure enough to veer out of the continuously snapping jaws of Fenrir.

Brunnhilde smiles fondly to herself – because she herself really does enjoy a good Midgardian zombie movie (to go with a good bottle of Midgardian liquor, obviously.)


“Here’s the difference between us...”

Thor grunts through the pain as she slams him up against the nearest wall, the wind almost knocked out of him. With both hands, he claws uselessly at her hand tightly grasping his throat.

I’m Odin’s first born. The rightful heir. The saviour of Asgard.”

Saviour, his arse, Thor thinks as he tries not to suffocate in her ‘death grip.’

“And you –“ Hela pushes him further up the wall, grip tightening as she snarls out, ”– are nothing.” She then, tosses him over her shoulder, swirls around with a smirk to watch him fly and tumble harshly.

She lifts up her hand and Gungnir comes flying into her grip, and then, she’s descending upon Thor again just as he manages to push himself back up onto his feet. He takes a step back to brace himself, lifts a hand to block the attack and swiftly grab onto her wrist. With her strength greater than his own, he uses his other hand to smack the point of the spear away from his chest. He manages to get a foot onto Gungnir, stomps it to the ground out of her grasp and kicks it as far away as he can.

Hela lets out an angry snarl, instead, comes sliding back over to him with one of her Necroswords growing out of thin air.

Thor twists sideways, just far enough out of the way that he can feel the blade hissing just millimetres from his cheek. He takes advantage of both their twisted positions, grabs her by the back of the neck with one hand – enjoys the angered and slightly pained hiss she gives him – and grabs her armed wrist in the other. Next, he gifts her with a head-butt so hard he almost makes himself dizzy, follows up by shoving her away just enough to make her stumble, and for him to deliver a hard punch to her face. And he impresses himself with that one, because even she seems rather surprised for that split second (before the anger and irritation flood back onto her gaunt face.)

Hela lets out another angry snarl, charges for him again. He blocks her left hook, but he doesn’t realise in time that was just a minor distraction before she’s slicing her Necrosword across his chest. She twirls gracefully away, blade ringing with the contact and now dripping with his blood (finally.)

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