New Experience

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Loki doesn’t like how easily this woman is able to sneak out of the Grand Palace; able to sneak off without Loki noticing until she’s already disappeared. Loki follows the trail of her aura easily enough, perhaps even easier because of how strong it is – almost as strong as Thor’s. That fact makes her even more curious to know more about the woman she’s now being pitted against in order to find her idiot brother.

Loki spots her just outside the Palace walls, follows her and then finally makes herself known once they reach a quiet alley way. The woman halts halfway down the alley way, huffs and turns to face her.

“You’re not very good at this sneaking up on me thing.” Brunnhilde says with a bored tone.

“I wasn’t trying to be.” Loki answers with a sarcastic little smile.

“Right. Well. Nice chat. Bye.” Brunnhilde turns away from her.

Loki immediately teleports herself in front of the woman, smirks at the half shocked, half annoyed look on her pretty caramel face (Loki has never been one to deny true beauty in all beings.) “What are you up to? Do you know where Thor is?” She asks, eyes slightly narrowed as she watches that pretty face for every tiny reaction.

“I don’t answer to you, Lackey.” It’s Brunnhilde’s turn to smirk when that gets an annoyed and very pretty glare in response.

Loki grabs her wrist as she brushes rudely passed, glares back at that smug expression. “It’s Loki.” She grits out. “And you will answer to The Grandmaster.”

Brunnhilde glances down at her hand, bored look still on her face as yanks her wrist away. The woman quickly attacks her, but she’s ready; already predicted as much. With quite a lot of ease, Brunnhilde manages to block the grab attempts at her other wrist, then both her shoulders. She blocks each descent, smacks the woman’s hands away until there’s a hand at her throat, and finally, she slips out of defence and smoothly into offence with a hard punch to the woman’s nose. Though, she’s rather impressed at how well the woman takes the hit (almost better than her adopted brother or whoever they are to one another, she really isn’t interested, either way.)

Loki sniffs loudly, wrinkles her nose and then is back to glaring at the woman, small dagger materialising out of thin air as she clutches it and points the end of the blade towards the woman. “Why would you help my brother escape with that green fool?”

Brunnhilde pulls out her own dagger and points it at the woman, voice slightly mocking as she says, “I don’t help anyone.”

Loki glares “daggers” before her irritation gets the better of her (as it all too often does) and she lashes out again, this time with her weapon at the ready. However, this woman is rather quick and very skilled, it seems. Her moves are all too familiar to Loki, though, and she knows an Asgardian trained soldier when she fights one.

“Not bad.” Brunnhilde shoots her a taunting smirk, though, has to actually hide how impressed she is. The woman is almost as swift and light on her feet as Brunnhilde herself. Though, Brunnhilde is a lot faster, and by law of aging to Asgardians, she’s a lot stronger than the woman.

Loki launches her attack again, this time takes a small backhand to her right cheek before she’s angrily swirling them around and kneeling over the woman. They both have their blades pointed at one another, Loki’s at Brunnhilde’s throat, and Brunnhilde’s over Loki’s heart. And with her caramel arm raised up towards her, Loki’s eyes are instantly drawn to the all too familiar tattoo etched into the skin at her wrist.

Loki’s eyes widen in surprise as she asks, “You’re a Valkyrie?” When the woman’s expression falters, Loki takes the distraction, makes it her advantage as she finally uses her blade to draw the woman’s own blade out of her hand and send it clattering to the ground.

Puny Green God Love Thor Back [Thor&FemLoki]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora