PARCEL - Afterword

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Writing Parcel, though it's fun yet it is harder than I thought but fulfilling than I could have ever imagined. This is my first ever fanfiction book that I dared to write in full and it wouldn't be possible without the people who helped me pushed through it. I am grateful for some of the warriors here who accompanied me in this journey up to the completion of this masterpiece.

I acknowledge the following  Warriors:








... And all those silent readers. I appreciated you all. SLMT ng sobra. See you again sa next stelljun-stelljun natin.

I've been through a lot while writing this; been through ups and downs and almost didn't finish it due to lack of motivation. I've been into my fall down actually and I failed to my rooting phase and some of my pains and tears are included in this whole book. Vester's rants is my real-life voice. It's actually a surreal process but I'm glad I've made it up until here. Until next time.

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