Chapter 1

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"You are a fucking asshole, Roy. I don't want to ever see you again. And I hope you get that fucking whore pregnant."

The statement woke me up out of my sleep. I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around my room. I grabbed my phone and it read 5:37 AM. Arguing this early in the morning should have been a crime, but this was a monthly occurrence with Roy. He really was the biggest asshole.

I got out of bed and put on my slippers. I walked out of my room. I looked over the railing that looked over the foyer.

"Roy, could you keep it down?" I asked nicely.

"Stay out of this, Y/N!" His girl of the month said.

"You don't know me very well. And I promise you don't want to know me very well." I said with a smile on my face.

Roy took one look at me and led the girl out of the house.

"Ew I hate when you get that. I can feel your emotions, and it bothers me. What person harbors that much hatred in their little body?" Imani said opening the door to her room.

"She yelled at me." I shrugged.

"So you jump to wanting to kill her?" Imani asked.

"It's not like I acted on it. Why am I being interrogated? It's five in the morning. Go talk to Roy. He's the one waking everyone up arguing with his girl of the week." I said.

"Oh that's why you're upset." She said walking out of her room.

"What? What do you mean? Stop feeling my emotions. That's fucking weird." I said.

"Not like I can turn it off. And what I mean when I say that is...well...oh." She smiled.

"Oh fuck off." I said.

"It's been fifty years. I'm sure Jhené is over you. Actually I know she is. She just had a baby with a real human, and I'd do the same if you were my ex." Imani said.

"Yeah cause what's so good about a real human? They live like seventy years then die, and they die from the most basic things." I said.

"Yeah but they actually have a heart. I had an actual heart." She said.

"Oh stop reminiscing. It's not good for you. You know that." I said.

"If you were ever human, you'd understand. It was fun. It was so much fun." Imani said.

"I hate humans. And I hate wannabes who go to my fucking grandmother's coven and ask them to cast a forgetting spell over all the humans that know you just so you can keep pretending to be human." I said angrily.

"So this is about Jhené? You are so predictable." Imani said walking downstairs.

I followed behind her.

"It's not about Jhené. It's about Roy bringing home a new girl every week and ruining their life by the end of the relationship. Like he can't even have sex with them. He has to be putting a spell over them." I said.

"He isn't. They just like him." Luke said walking out of his room. "He would have needed my help."

"Good morning, Luke." I said.

"Good morning, y'all." He said coming downstairs.

"Y/N is still upset about Jhené." Imani said.

"Didn't you date her fifty years ago?" Luke asked.

"You know time moves differently for me." I said.

"It moves differently for all of us. I'm over a girl I dated two years ago." He said.

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