<|Part 6|>

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Taehyung POV

I stayed in my parents' house for awhile thinking who the fuck that I need to find virgin girl. Fuck! Why play this game just for $400? Hilarious. How do I find a virgin girl? It's all Jimin's fault that I need to rushing thinking about something is not important.

I'm only know Rosé is still virgin because she never date anyone. I'm afraid that she will be mad at me if I bring her to them. She's good girl and always hang out with girls only.

I'm the only one her guy friend because I'm being friend with her since childhood. What should I do? Should I bring her instead? If I bring her, Jimin will says swap the girls.

That means Rosé will be with Jungkook. Argh! No, I don't want she lost her virginity to Jungkook. I need to discuss with Jimin again. When I opened the door, suddenly Rosé already infront of my parents's house.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to ring the bell but you're already opened it." Rosé apologised to me but she makes a question face.

"Why are you looking messy like you just saw a ghost." She continued.

"Um... noth... nothing. Come in." I offered her to enter my house.

She sat on the couch infront of mine in living room. I don't know how to start the conversation with her like this is my first time I'm seeing her.

"I heard that you rent a house with your friends. Why are you stay here today?" She started the conversation.

"How do you know I rented a house? I've never told you about that." Before I answered her I need to asked this first.

"Well, your parents told me." I made a 'O' face and I forgot that my parents knew about Rosé being my childhood friend.

"Um... I just stay here for awhile. Tomorrow I will go to my rental house." I'm trying to calm down.

"Okay then why you call me to come here? We can talk on the phone but you said this is important. So, what is it?" She still has a question face.

"You've never dated anyone?"


"I assume that you're still virgin."

"Tae, please don't ask me a weird question. Straight to the point. What do you want?"

I'm a little nervous and playing with my hands to control my shaking. I lick my lips before speaking to her.

"I want.. I want to bring you to my rental house with my friends." I'm stammering.

"What?! Tae, you know that I'm not usually with men especially in the house."

"I know. I know. But there will be the girls too. They bring their friends so you're not alone." I'm begging to her.

She's still thinking while looking on the floor.

"I'm promise that I'll protect you there." I'm continuing.

"When?" She asked makes me though that she agreed.

"This weekend. Maybe you can stay there for 3 days and 2 nights."

"What? This is too much, Tae!"

"Please, I'm begging you. You're my best friend. My childhood friend. You can do for me." I don't know why I need to begging her.

"Okay okay. Promise me that there'll also has a girls."

"I'm promise. ✋🏻"


The next day, I'm coming back to rental house. I'm trying to find Jimin and wanted to discuss about this game. After I entered the house, I saw Jimin laying down on the couch.

"Jimin." I called him then I push the pillow over him. He was shocked and quickly get up.

"Damn it! Why are you hit me with that pillow?" He asked.

"I want to discuss about the game."

"What is it?"

"Can we just bring virgin girls and then not to swap? Just enjoy with our partner." I asked with my hope that he listened to me.

"Ugh, that's difficult because I want Jungkook to bring his big sister so I can feel pleasure with her. If we didn't swap, do you think that Jungkook will doing with his sister?" He had a point.

Shit! What am I supposed to say?

"Are you sure Jungkook will bring his sister? What if he bring other women?"

"I'm trying to persuade him. If he doesn't bring his sister then we will not swap our partner."

I slowly nodded. So I need to tell Jungkook to not bring his big sister.

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