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Hoseok was walking to school when an arm hanged around his shoulder. "Why did you left alone ?" Taehyung asked pouting.

"You wasted your ass last night so I thought I should let you sleep." Hoseok said. "Oh, no I have to apologize to cherry for leaving her last night. Hoseokie you should have dropped her first then me." Taehyung said to hoseok.

"Why should I drop her ? I don't know her that well and it's none of my buisness." Hoseok said irritated.

Taehyung frowned "You don't give a damn about my love life ? We are best friends you should take care of my girlfriend if I am wasted like last night."

"I am not your fucking babysitter or secretary. Why should I care about your love life ?" Hoseok said annoyed and walked off.

Hoseok was walking through hallway during lunch time when he heard a moan. He listened carefully and saw an open door. He peeked in and his eyes got wide. Taehyung was kissing cherry on table of a classroom.

Hoseok got teary and he walked from there to rooftop. He sat near wall and cried harder. He couldn't control his emotions. He cried for sometime after that he went down to join his friends.

Hoseok was just playing with his food. Jin noticed it. He patted his shoulder. Hoseok smiled. They were going to meet up at a cafe to do project so hoseok left.


Hoseok and his friends were doing project when Taehyung arrived with his girlfriend cherry. Hoseok was annoyed by Taehyung so he ignored him and kept doing his work.

"Hey, cherry can help in our project." Taehyung said. Everyone looked at Taehyung and hoseok who were not speaking with each other.

"These are my friends who are writing project on love. Hoseok is believer of love..." Taehyung got cut off. "Not anymore." Hoseok said.

"Do you even believe in anything ?" Taehyung scoffed. Hoseok's blood boiled.
"At least not like you who whores around."

Jin saw it getting heated. "Hoseok let's grab some reference material from that book shelf." Jin said dragging hoseok.

Taehyung was smoking cherry threw his cigarette away. "No smoking, baby." Cherry said. Taehyung nodded.

Hoseok again spoke. "Do you think he is listening to you because he loves you ? No, he just wants to hook up and then you will be dumped in no time."

"Hey, you asshole." Taehyung got up and faced hoseok. "Don't poke your nose in my buisness. I know what love is." Hoseok shouted "Do you call this love ? It's only whoring around you shithead." "I know whom to give love, at least it's not a shitty friend like you." Taehyung shouted back.

"You are speaking too harshly Kim Taehyung." Jin shouted. "Say him to become my bitch then I will speak nicely okay." Taehyung shouted. "You asshole." Taehyung got a hard punch by namjoon.
"Do you know who he is ? He is your best friend who lov-" Namjoon got cut off. "Enough! It's my fault. I - I am s-sorry." Hoseok said and grabbed his things and walked out.

Hoseok was crying and walking when he thought only one thing. "I WILL FORGET ABOUT THE FEELINGS FOR YOU KIM TAEHYUNG."



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