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Hoseok and Taehyung were just silently staring outside the window of restaurant There food untouched.

"Why are we here if we have nothing to talk ?" Hoseok asked staring outside. "Then you get lost from here." Taehyung said coldly.

Hoseok glared at him. "Why even I agreed to come with you ?"


As soon as Hoseok and Taehyung landed in Seoul. Jungkook and cherry left. Hoseok called his parents to inform of their arrival.

Their parents hugged them and asked about their trip. Hoseok and Taehyung put their best smile and answer. Suddenly their smile faltered as Taehyung's mom dropped a bomb.

"We have booked you a restaurant for a romantic dinner. So be sure to go. Now go home and rest." She said cheerfully. Hoseok and Taehyung didn't got a chance to refuse.


Taehyung sighed. "If you are not hungry then you can go cause I am really hungry and I am gonna eat." He said.

Hoseok eyed the food kept in front which was still steaming hot. He gulped. "No, I am not hungry." He said and as to deny what he said his stomach growled loudly.

Hoseok blushed in embarrassment. He hid his face in his hands. Taehyung chuckled. He started to eat. Hoseok looked up and bit his lip. He sighed and just picked the spoon and started eating.

After finishing their food they walked out. Their parents didn't allowed them to take car or taxi. They told them to walk as it would make the atmosphere more romantic.

They walked down the road silently. Both of them didn't uttered a word. "You know we should tell them that we don't like each other." Hoseok said breaking the silence.

"Correction. I don't like you." Taehyung said. Hoseok glared at him but continued. "Yes, you don't like me. We have already other person to give comfort. I don't know why we are mates. We are not meant to be mates." Hoseok said a bit sadly.

Taehyung glanced at his side. "No, we are destined to be mates. But the difference is that our wolfs are mates but we can't be partners romantically." Taehyung said.

Hoseok sighed. "Yes, you are right." He looked up the sky. The moon was shining brightly. Hoseok smiled.

"I wish Jungkook was my alpha." Hoseok mumbled unknowingly which Taehyung heard. He growled. He snapped to hoseok. "What did you say ?" He asked harshly.

Hoseok realised he said it out loudly. He knows it's Taehyung's wolf instincts that are responding. "I mean jungkook as my romantic partner. I have jungkook but our wolf are mates" Hoseok said awkwardly.

Taehyung scoffed. "As if you don't have him now." Hoseok got angry. "Yeah, like you are having that cherry, bitch." Hoseok mumbled the last part.

Taehyung stopped and grabbed hoseok's arm and made him face him. "Don't ever insult cherry." He said in his deep voice.

"It's my mouth. I will call whoever I want whatever I want. When you my mate can insult me then why can't I insult her." Hoseok shouted and yanked his arm.

He walked off. Taehyung clenched his fist. He didn't wanted to create any scene. He also walked off.


Taehyung and cherry were having coffee at a cafe. They were happily chatting. Suddenly a laugh , a hearty laugh was heard. Taehyung's ear perked he whipped his head and saw a pair sitting across their table.

Hoseok and jungkook came to the cafe to relieve their stress and hangout. Hoseok was laughing because of jungkook. Jungkook smiled seeing his hyung laughing.

Hoseok glanced at his side and was shocked to see Taehyung staring at them or specifically at him. He turned away. He side eyed and saw taehyung feeding cherry.

Taehyung glanced at hoseok and smirked. Hoseok puffed his cheeks. 'So you wanna play like this, ha ?' Hoseok thought.

"Kookie, can you feed me ?" Hoseok said in a cute voice and opened his mouth. Jungkook blushed at his hyung's cuteness.

He fed him the strawberry shortcake.
Hoseok smiled while eating making him look like a squirrel. Jungkook pinched his cheeks. "You are so cute hyung." Jungkook cooed.

Hoseok glanced at taehyung and smirked. Taehyung was watching this and he unknowingly smashed his whole cake.

He suddenly brought cherry near and kissed her cheek. He glanced back at hoseok and sneered. Hoseok smiled.

He looked at jungkook who was eating innocently not aware of taehyung and hoseok's silent fighting. Hoseok saw a bit of cream on side of Jungkook's lip.

He said, "Jungkook-ah, you got cream on your side lip." Jungkook went to wipe it but hoseok grabbed his hand. He leaned forward and licked off the cream with his tongue. Jungkook blushed and was about to explode from this action of hoseok.

Hoseok smiled and sat down. He glanced at Taehyung and smirked mischievously. Taehyung banged his table. Cherry got frightened at sudden impact. Taehyung pursed his lips.

Hoseok smiled at jungkook and continued eating.

At this point it was confusing as who was more jealous Hoseok or Taehyung ?



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