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Our story begins within the cold, unfeeling darkness of steel. The metal of the hallway is lit by the faint red glow of what appear to be emergency lights. The lights fade in and out as the alarm blares throughout the hall and echoes down the corridor. Reaching a large set of blast doors, the doors open as two figures weakly make their way through.

One is a young woman with vibrant blue skin and a set of loose hanging appendages sprouting from her head and hang down her back. She wears light brown clothes with patches of stitching all across her clothing. She struggles as she carries an older man who is barely holding onto consciousness.

The man has rough scale-like green skin covering most of his body. He wears the same set of brown clothing except more pristine and well-maintained. He winces in pain as he clutches a deep wound on the side of his chest with his free hand.

The girl quickly turns and holds out her hand toward the control panel next to the blast door. Soon it activates and closes and locks the door behind the two. The girl then reaches down to her belt and takes out a cylindrical metal object. She then points it away from them and presses a switch, which ignites and creates a thin beam of bright blue light, which sheds light down the red-lit hallway.

This is the blade of a Lightsaber. A powerful tool but also a very dangerous weapon that can do more damage to its wielder versus their target if they are untrained.

Man: "Tylia..*grunt of pain*Please must...get away."

Tylia: "I can't and won't leave you, master. We can get out of this like we always do. Just like on Ryloth, right master?"

Man: "Yes...but I specifically remember *pained gasp* it going a great deal better...At least then we weren't trapped...on a broken down hunk of junk ship."

Tylia: "All we have to do if we want to get out of here is just to make it to hyperdrive and-"

The pair stop as they hear a thumping noise at the blast doors they had just gone through. They turn around and wait in silence as the thumping continues. Soon it stops as a light knock replaces it, and after a few short moments, a blood-red lightsaber blade pierces through the thick doors. Its immense heat causing the metal to melt around it.

Man: "Tylia. We need to move now!"

The pair quickly make their way down the hallway, their movement still hampered by the wounded man's restricted movement.

Tylia: "Come on, master! We're almost there. Just a little bit further! You have to stay strong."

The two quickly make their way toward another set of blast doors. After opening the door, the two turns as they hear the crashing of the blast doors they first came through. Entering into the large room, they see a large machine. Many consoles and monitors sit around the large machine; several monitors are turned off, and others are blinking several warning symbols.

As they make their way toward the monitors, they quicken their pace as they begin to hear footsteps from the hallway they came from, as well as..., whistling.

The whistling is an upbeat kind, the kind a person makes when they have little to no worry. The whistling gets closer as the two once again begin to see the faint glow of the red lightsaber. It also gives the outline of the figure welding the saber. The two hurry over to the central console of the giant machine, and Tylia begins to type an assortment of commands on the main keyboard.

Man: "Tylia, you keep working on the hyperdrive. I'll try and stall him...even if it's for the moment." Tylia couldn't respond as the man took her bright blue lightsaber from her and as well as drawing and igniting his own bright green blade. "Tylia...if this is our last time together, I want you to know. Know that I'm sorry for-"

???: "Well, well, well! If it isn't the master Jedi and his tiny Twi'lek trainee Tylia. Like the alliteration I did there? All this work just to capture you two. Would you believe it if I said I'm a little dissatisfied with how this'll end?"

The Jedi squints his eyes in frustration as the person wielding the red lightsaber walks into the large hyperdrive chamber, finally exposing himself to the light. The man wears a disturbing black helmet, complimenting his dark grey and black Imperial armor and cloak. The Imperial logo was painted onto his shoulder guards, and his clawed gloves lightly gripping his blade handle.

 The Imperial logo was painted onto his shoulder guards, and his clawed gloves lightly gripping his blade handle

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Man: "Inquisitor." Malice and venom spew from his words as he tries to fight the pain.

Inquisitor: "My, my, master Jedi. Is that anger I sense from you? And here I thought that all Jedi were adamant about not allowing yourselves to succumb to such base emotions. How far you have fallen from grace."

Jedi Master: "No small part to you and your other Inquisitors hunting us down to near extinction."

Inquisitor: "Oh please, save me the lecture. You Jedi are nothing more than terrorists, moving about the galaxy causing trouble and chaos for the Empire's stability. But you lot never did see the benefits of being a part of something more significant than yourselves, talk about pride and ignorance."

Jedi Master: "Your right. I'll save the lectures and speeches for someone else. So how about we skip the talks and get to why you're really here?" The Jedi Master readies his two sabers as he gets into a battle stance. "Tylia. Be ready."

The Inquisitor sighed deeply as the Jedi Master rushed toward him. He began to perform a series of slashes and attacks on the Inquisitor, but the imperial hunter simply blocked and dodged any attack with relative ease. All the while, Tylia was hard at work setting up the self-destruct protocol for the hyperactive. Soon the sound of her master's sabers dropping to the ground made her turn around. The young Twi'lek was horrified as she saw the clawed hand of the inquisitor piercing through her master's chest, his heart skewered on his fingers.

Inquisitor: "Aww. Would you look at that? For as much as he fought, he just didn't have the...HEART for it. Hah! Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

Tearing his arm back through the Jedi's chest, getting slightly stuck on the man's ribs, he wipes his gloves clean on the fallen Jedi's corpse.

Tylia: "You Monster! You said you were going to capture us."

Inquisitor: "I did, didn't I? Meh. Live and learn, I suppose. You should be glad. You're going to meet your master real soon. Now hold still and-"

Tylia: "Stop!" She holds out a small detonator. "This deadman switch is wired to the hyperdrive's self-destruct sequence. As soon as I let go of it, the whole thing explodes." This seems to cause the inquisitor to pause. "That's right, I was and still am willing to send us all to the Force, so don't tempt me. Now here's what's going to happen. I am going to take my master's body and our lightsabers, and I'm going to leave this ship, and you aren't going to stop me. Got it?!" She's then taken aback as the Inquisitor begins to laugh, almost maniacally.

Inquisitor: "*laughs* You...heh.. that's pretty good. Your pretty good, kid. I'd never thought that out of everyone in this whole stinking galaxy, a fucking child could impress me this much. You know, me and you aren't so different. See, we're both willing to do what it takes to survive, BUT, there's one thing you don't do that I do." Tylia seems to look on in confusion. "I don't care whether I live or die."

In one swift flick of his wrist, the Inquisitor slices clean through Tylia's forearm. This causes her hand, which was holding the switch, to falter and release the detonator.

And in a single moment, a fraction of a second within a second, both the Inquisitor and the Twi'lek Tylia feel a searing pain...then nothingness.

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