Chapter 23: Mirror Flower, Water Moon

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Raven's eyes open abruptly as she feels herself being shaken awake. Waking up, she sees Kreel looming over her.

Kreel: "Wake up. It's time to start training. Meet me outside with your gear."

Raven hadn't had any time to respond before Kreel left for the exit of the cave. She pried herself from her sleeping bag and looked around to see the campsite had been cleaned up. Thirty minutes later, Raven exits the cave to see Kreel standing in an open clearing.

Kreel: "Glad to see you finally wake up. Now let's get started. Come over here."

Raven: "Okay? What now?"

Kreel: "The first step in properly utilizing the Force is to gain a sense of the scale of what you can manipulate. Close your eyes and focus on your surroundings. Connect yourself to the Force with your emotions. Use your anger and rage to build the bridge that'll allow you to bend the Force to your will."

Raven: "So I just close my eyes and concentrate?"

Kreel: "Yes, now, quiet and concentrate."

Raven closes her eyes as she begins to focus on her anger. Anger for losing Vernal. Anger for losing her clan. Anger for losing control of herself and killing Tai. Anger toward Salem and Cinder for destroying her life. As she focused on her anger, she began to feel the world around her.

Kreel: "Do you feel it?" Raven nods. "Good. Tell me what you see?"

Raven: "I see...the cave—the trees, the birds, and Grimm that are patrolling the woods around us. I can see almost see the nearby village. Where...where are we?"

Kreel: "You tell me? Focus more. Get a lay of the world we walk on. Focus enough, and you'll be able to find people across the planet."

Raven took a deep breath before she began to channel her anger once again. She soon begins to feel the forest miles away. Going even further, she feels the ocean waves beating against a cliff edge. She recognized the terrain and the position of the forest.

Raven: "Mistral...near Argus. About...two days travel."

Kreel: "Good, very good. To maximize the training, you must practice this ability as much as possible. Soon you'll be able to gain a sense of your immediate surroundings with no stress on your mind. The next thing I want to see if you can do is interacting with the world around you." He lifts a boulder using the Force and places it a few feet ahead of the duo.

Raven: "You want me to move that?!"

Kreel: "One of the most useful tools at your disposal when utilizing the Force is manipulating surrounding objects and people. Now focus on the boulder and focus on moving it."

Raven refocuses herself and connects with the surrounding Force. She begins to feel herself grasping the boulder with her hand. It felt like a small pebble now. It felt as though it was nothing more than a nuisance to her. Insignificant and tiny. Raising her hand, Kreel watched as the boulder that was three times his size has slowly lifted the boulder off the ground. Looking over, he could see the strain on Raven's face. For as small as she perceived it, that didn't make it any less the weight of a boulder. Soon the mental stress was too much, and she was forced to drop the boulder.

Raven: "I- I'm sorry...I couldn't...too heavy." She says between exhausted breaths.

Kreel: "Don't be sorry. Be better. Each night before we rest, you will practice moving objects using the Force."

Raven: "Is that all this Force stuff is? Just knowing your surroundings and moving stuff?" Kreel couldn't help but chuckle.

Kreel: "A very crass description, but I can assure you that there is a great deal more you will be able to do if you keep up with your training."

Raven: "Like that thing you did to Cinder in the vault at Haven?"

Kreel: "Similar. That technique I used was one I perfected during my time as an urchin. It's based on the concept of the Mind Trick, except to a much higher degree. I like to call it Total Hypnosis. Using the Force, I hijack a person's five senses. By doing so, I can completely control what that person experiences. Here." Kreel kneels down and picks up a small stone. "What am I holding?"

Raven: "A rock."

Kreel: "Catch." Tossing the rock, she catches it with little trouble. "Nice looking rock, isn't it?" Raven insects the rock but is caught off guard as she sees that the rock had disappeared.

Raven: "What? How?! It was right in my hand."

Kreel: "No. I simply made you believe that there was a rock. I tricked your mind into believing that you could see and feel the rock, but in reality, there was no rock to begin with. Speaking of which, we're going to have to work on your defense against mental suggestions and probing."

Raven: "Wait! You had this power the whole time and didn't use it until recently? Why?"

Kreel: "When it comes to an ability that allows me to control what any individual or individuals experience. The question isn't why didn't I use it, but it becomes how long have I been using it. But that's enough for today. We have ground to cover, so it's best to get moving quickly. While we walk, I want you to continue getting a feel for your surroundings using the Force as well as moving objects. Come, Apprentice."

Kreel walks by Raven as she stands confused. Hearing that statement from Kreel put everything that had happened so far into a real perspective. Had everything that had happened been merely an orchestrated plan by the Inquisitor? She brushed the thoughts aside as she quickly followed behind Kreel.

Catching up with Kreel, she couldn't help but squint and eye the Inquisitor. Almost as though she was trying to look past him.

Kreel: "I can assure you, you wouldn't know you've been affected by Total Hypnosis."

Raven: "What you said before. That implies that you used it on me, on Vernal, and almost everyone you ever met. How can I trust you aren't always using it?"

Kreel: "Allow me to give you some needed advice. Do Not Trust Anyone, including myself. To trust another is the same as relying on them. And to rely on something or someone is to admit weakness. The strong never submit to weakness, and WE are in the business of absolute strength and power."

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