Chapter 11: Familiar Work

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Several weeks have passed since Kreel learned about the Sith and the purpose behind the Black Blade. During that time, running his class was smoother than expected. At first, it wasn't easy to train the students to take a more ruthless form of fighting; some students took to it quickly while others did not so much. Besides that, he took much-needed time to speak with Revan more and more, learning about what he was a part of.

Currently, he was standing on top of a rooftop overlooking a criminal operation. When he wasn't learning from Revan about dealing with children, he had continued his work to find Roman Torchwick and, by extension, the Fall Maiden's attacker. The night before, he had a quite pleasant conversation with his informant named Junior he "contracted" into helping him, and had given info that Roman would be heading a Dust smuggling operation near the docks. Lo and behold, here were the smugglers. But these weren't regular smugglers; these were members of the White Fang. What the White Fang we're doing working with Roman was none of Kreel's concern.

As he is about to make his way down, he's caught off guard by one of his students, Blake, who takes Roman hostage. Quickly leaping down, using the Force to brace his landing, he sees White Fang Bullheads arrive. As he rounds the corner of a shipping container, he watches on as Roman escapes from Blake and begins to open fire on the Faunus student. Thinking fast, Kreel uses the Force to crush one of the thrusters of a Bullhead, causing it to spin out of control and crash into the water. This catches the attention of the White Fang soldiers, who begin to open fire on the Inquisitor. But using the Force, he's able to dodge the bullets with ease. Closing the distance, he cuts clean through a White Fang member, negating their aura.

Revan: (mental) "It seems the Black Blade actually negates the target's "aura". I never actually tested it but better now than never."

Kreel doesn't respond as he merely continues to cut a swath through the White Fang ranks. Eventually, enough chaos is created to give him a chance to go after Roman.

Using the Force to enhance his speed, he grabs Roman and throws him away from the battle colliding with a shipping container. As Roman recollects himself, the Inquisitor wraps his clawed gauntlet around the thief's throat.

Roman: "Oh! *choking*"

Kreel: "You have something I need to know, and you will certainly give it to me. Don't, and this lovely conversation is going to get VERY bloody, got it, friend?"

Roman: "Well- *gasp* -why didn't you just ask? I'm a font of knowledge. Can you- *choking* -let me go now?" Kreel rolls his eyes as he drops Roman. "See, not too hard to treat a friend right. Now, what do you need to know?"

Kreel: "Who is the woman who can spout flames from her hands? Where is she?"

Roman: "You a Huntsman?"

Kreel: "Roman, I can rip out your throat without thinking twice. You think a Huntsman would do the same?"

Roman: "Fair point. The chick's name is Cinder Fall. Don't know much about her except she obviously works for someone else. I have her and the White Fang goons she came with set up in a warehouse to the north of the city. That all?"

Kreel: "Thanks, friend. Now get going. Also, sorry."

Roman: "For what-"

Kreel uses the Force to throw Roman back out onto the battlefield. Scrambling to his feet, he sees Kreel running back out to join the battle. As he returns to the fight, he sees Blake's teammates.

Yang: "Sir?! What are you doing here?!" She says, knocking a grunt out.

Kreel: "I can ask you four the same thing, but not now. Remember your lessons, and let's finish this."

The students and the Inquisitor begin to beat back the White Fang systematically. Finally, after a rather easy fight, the White Fang and Roman were forced to retreat. Leaving only the dead White Fang as the wounded members had been retrieved in their retreat.

Ruby: "Woohoo! We did it!"

Weiss: "Yes. We worked quite well together. As expected."

Yang: "Hah! We keep fighting like that, and nothing's going to stop us!"

Blake: "Yeah, except him." Pointing behind Yang as Kreel stands behind her with a furious expression.

Yang: "Oh! Uh...heya teach- I'm mean, Sir."

Kreel: "Miss Xiao Long. You four mind explaining to me EXACTLY what you are doing here?"

Ruby: "Professor, I don't know what was so bad about us being here. Isn't this what Huntresses like us are supposed to do?"

Kreel: "You aren't wrong at all, but there's one big flaw with that statement. YOU AREN'T HUNTRESSES! You are nothing more than brash, entitled, clueless, and overconfident CHILDREN! Did you even think this plan through, or was there even a plan to begin with? Because of your need to prove yourself, you have caused unwanted chaos and destruction, and all that was gained was some crates of Dust, and in exchange, the entire city is afraid because of you four. And I don't need to tell you what happens when people are afraid. Now you four are going to head back to school at once, and if I find out you do anything this stupid again, you can kiss being huntresses goodbye. Now go."

The four girls, disheartened, begin to head back to Beacon Academy. Kreel rubs his eyes as he takes a deep breath and looks around at the corpses of the White Fang.

Revan: "It seems some of these corpses weren't from your doing."

Kreel: "Your right. Judging from the wounds, it isn't Yang. Lack of blunt force trauma. Neither Weiss, entry wounds are too large." Investigating some of the bodies.

Revan: "Perhaps the youngest?"

Kreel: "No. Her fighting style doesn't go for kill moves, and she wouldn't do so unless Yang did it. So it looks like our problem student is actually a killer at heart."

Revan: "There may be something further to that. The Faunus are a rather strange race, especially with the worlds and species we've seen."

Kreel: "No time to ponder that. We have work to do. Time to find ourselves a Maiden."

Revan: "A suggestion, if you would?" Kreel pauses for a moment. "We have her location, and Roman won't betray us by telling her. Let us see if we can trust Ozpin to honor his side of the deal."

Kreel: "Perhaps that wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Very well."

Kreel begins to make his way back toward the Academy. Time passes as soon he's riding the elevator up toward Ozpin's office. Entering the sizeable clock-themed office, he sees Ozpin speaking with Glynda.

Ozpin: "Ah! Kreel, what can I do for you?"

Kreel: "I'm here to make sure you're holding your end of the deal. And I'm getting sick and tired of playing babysitter and getting nothing from it. I've been scouring this city while you "best" have been getting drunk and a lacking off. So either you give me something of actual importance, or I walk."

Glynda: "You have some gall entering here and demanding anything after that incident at the docks this morning."

Kreel: "And you seem to be forgetting your place, Glynda. Do you wish for me to remind you?" She scowls but remains silent.

Ozpin: "Please, let's not actually fight with one another. Look, Mister Kreel, I do know of the good work you have done for us, both in and out of the school. No matter how...unorthodox your methods. But you are right. Your hard work deserves some reward. Please follow me."

Kreel questioningly follows Ozpin, and they head into the elevator. Ozpin activates a switch that sends the elevator down the tower.

Ozpin: "Now then, Mister Kreel, what is your favorite Fairy Tale?"

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