Chapter 14: Taking it Slowly

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The door to Kreel's room opens as the Inquisitor stumbles into the room. He breathes heavily as he holds the wound he had gotten. Most of the scars he had ever accumulated had been from blasters or lightsabers, which had the quality of cauterizing the injury immediately, so having a profusely bleeding wound is new to the Inquisitor. Dropping the Black Blade on the floor, he places the Holocron on the small desk as he slowly begins to take off his shirt and vest. Finally getting a good look at the wound, he can't help but cringe as, for someone as small as Blake was, she took a good chunk out of him.

Grabbing the small first aid kit, he sits on the bed and begins to try and heal himself, to very little success.

Raven: "Need help with that?" Kreel quickly turns to see Raven standing at his doorway.

Kreel: "Raven?! What are you doing here?"

Raven: "Making sure my second in command hasn't been killed yet. And it looks as though I've come just in time. Now, hand me that kit and follow me to the bathroom. I don't need you getting blood on your perfectly good bed sheets." Kreel smiles as he obliges.

Kreel: "You sure you know what you're doing?" He says as she begins to stitch up the wound.

Raven: "See. You're supposed to ask that before you give me the kit. Now stay still. Geez, that girl really took a piece of you with her, didn't she?"

Kreel: "Wait? How did you know?"

Raven: "I was watching. You lost your cool there in the end. Never seen you get that angry. I was worried you'd kill her. You forget I can turn into a bird, didn't you?"

Kreel: "Ah. I did forget. You ever see anything like that? I've seen people get angry and lose control before, but to go animalistic like that."

Raven: "Never seen anything like that happen. Almost done. You know. I never noticed the scars. Your time as an Inquisitor must have been taxing."

Kreel: "I don't want to talk about it."

Raven: "Very well then...Done. Let me help you to your bed."

Kreel: "I don't need you to do that. I'm not crippled."

Raven: "You're also not a cold, unfeeling killer all the time. Now quit trying to act tough and let me help." He let out a small sigh as he let Raven help him to the bed.

Taking his time and letting out some small groans of pain, he manages to make himself comfortable. As he begins to try and sleep, he feels the bed shift as Raven lays down next to him.

Kreel: "Staying here for the night?"

Raven: "That a problem?" She says as she rests her head on his shoulder.

Kreel: "Not at all." Running his hand through her soft hair.

Raven: "Can I ask you something?"

Kreel: "Be my guest."

Raven: "How far do you want this to go? Us, I mean. I just want to make sure if this isn't just for pleasure or if this is something more."

Kreel: "Like marriage?" A nod from Raven followed a slight silence. "Well...I can't really answer that, since this is really new territory for me."

Raven: "Your a-.."

Kreel: "Virgin? No. I've already had plenty of meaningless sex. I'm more new to the concept of it being something more than just for pleasure. Back when I was a part of the Inquisitorius, we were never allowed to have any form of relationships in or out of the organization. This was to ensure we stayed loyal to the Empire. This went so far as to force me to have surgery, never to have children. So no need to worry about that."

Raven: "Believe me. I'm done with children. All they do is complain and hate you for making the tough choices." The two share a chuckle before an awkward silence fills the room. "Do you...if this ends up working...want to get married?"

Kreel: ".....No."

Raven: "Oh.....I see."

Kreel: "Don't get it confused. I love you, Raven Branwen. I just don't feel that we have to get matching rings or armbands or tattoos to show that. Marriage is a concept that binds two individuals together. And well, you know how I feel about being controlled. We shouldn't have to force ourselves to do anything for us to know if we love each other or not. A relationship is a path we both walk together, a path built upon that care for one another."

Raven: "...Wow. You really are from a different world."

Kreel: "Well, you're the one that fell in love with an alien, not me. I just happened to fall for the prettiest killer on this rock." The two smile as they share a tender kiss.

Raven: "So this 'Path' we're walking on. Does it have any perks?"

Kreel: "Well..." He grits his teeth slightly as he pulls Raven close to him. "It has all sorts of perks. Primarily the one where we get to fulfill all of our needs both emotionally and...Physically."

(Small Lemon Inbound)

Kreel pulls Raven into another passionate kiss. Their tounges battled for supremacy, but Kreel had a trick up his sleeve. Kreel quickly darted his hand down the front of Raven's belt and slid two of his fingers into her womanhood. This earned him a loud gasp from the Branwen as well as the domination of her mouth. As he broke the kiss between them, he continued to slide his fingers in and out of Raven. All she could do was lay her head into Kreel's chest as she struggled to hold back her moans of ecstasy.

Kreel: "You think I wouldn't know why you truly were here? I won't judge. I know you couldn't hold your temptations back any longer. You came here wanting me to please you? To feed your cravings? To fuck you? To ravage your body and to bludgeon your womb?"

He began to move his fingers quicker, and Raven now lost control of herself and was now audibly moaning. She had now started to move her hips in tandem with his fingers. She was practically begging him, but the Inquisitor was a cruel person.

Kreel: "Is that what you want? Your body certainly does, but I don't know if Raven Branwen wants that." He feels her vigorously nod. "Hm? What's that? I can't hear you. You're going to have to say it louder."

Raven: "Ye-*moan*."

Kreel: "I can't hear you?" He begins to speed up his fingers. "Either you give up, or you get your reward for your resilience. Your choice. You just need to ask."

Raven: "Pl-*moan*-ease...f-f-fuck..*moan*-ME!" Her body shivered tremendously as she climaxed.

(Lemon Over. Mission Passed: Respect Gained)

Kreel: "Aw. It looks like the great Raven Branwen was a little too late. Shame. It looks like you'll just have to wait a little longer."

Raven: "*Heavy breathing* No...fair."

Kreel: "Says the bandit. You going to sleep now?" He feels a nod from Raven. "Good night then, Raven." He soon relaxes as he let's exhaustion set in.

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