Chapter 6: A Legend's Legacy

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Seven years have passed since Kreel became part of the Branwen clan. He quickly rose through its ranks due to both his discipline and skill from his time in the Inquisitorius. As well as his ability to inspire fear for the clan with his Force abilities.

During those seven years, Kreel hadn't tried to contact the Empire. He knew that it wouldn't have taken them long to declare him dead and to replace him. So he decided to try and make a new life for himself within the clan. Strengthening the connections he had on Remnant. Throughout his time on Remnant, he became a sort of father figure for Vernal, seeing as he wasn't a complete scumbag like the rest of the men in the clan. He also grew to become a close confidante of Raven.

As the midday sun hung overhead of the Branwen camp, Kreel walked through the camp. During the seven years, he had fashioned new pieces to his armor. Scratching off all the Empire logos from his gear, he had replaced them with the painted Branwen symbol. He had also taken to adding more personal touches to his outfit. Adding fur peltings over his shoulders to give a more intimidating aura around him. As he walks toward the command tent of Raven, Vernal walks by his side.

Vernal: "So. What do you think she needs?"

Kreel: "Apparently, it's enough to warrant the stopping of your training."

Vernal: "I still don't see why I need any training. I'm already one of the best fighters in the clan."

Kreel: "And like I've said countless times already. You always have to grow stronger, smarter, and more skilled in your craft. Always seek to improve yourself in every aspect of your life-"

Vernal: "And when you've done so, seek to improve in all other aspects. Yeesh! I know the damn line. You've told me it enough already. I want to know when the training ends."

Kreel: "The training ends when your life ends. Now hush, we're here."

The two stop at the entrance to the command tent. Entering the tent, they see Raven rubbing her eyes in frustration as she sits in her chair. A man sits across from her, drinking from a small flask. He shared Raven's dark black hair, but it was much shorter. He wore a light grey coat with a darker green undershirt, with a defining red scarf around his neck.

Kreel: "Qrow. It's been a while."

Qrow: "Oh. Your still here? Shit, and here I thought someone would've put you down by now. Save me the effort."

Raven: "Enough. Ozpin found another set of ruins he wanted Qrow to investigate."

Kreel: "And let me guess. Qrow's dropping it on us to do now?"

Qrow: "More like "delegating" to be exact."

Kreel: "Delegating is to make your subordinates do the work for you. And WE are not your subordinates. Raven, let me kill this clown now and save us the hassle of having to do so later on." Qrow pops up to his feet as he holds up his large blade, Harbinger.

Qrow: "Hey! I came in peace, and I don't plan on leaving here in pieces. Not without a fight, that is!"

Raven: "Enough!! Kreel, reign yourself in, or I'll do it for you! Qrow, you've done enough, so if that's all then leave."

Qrow: "*sigh* Fine...Yang starts in a month. You should at least come see the initiation."

Raven: "Leave Qrow." Qrow takes another swig of his flask and exits the tent.

Vernal: "Family drama. Always fun."

Raven: "Not now. Vernal, you'll be in charge while we're gone. Kreel, you're with me. Let us go see what Ozpin found, or at least might've found." Kreel nods as he and Raven exit the tent, followed by Vernal.

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