Chapter 9: Toleration is Weakness

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The first official day at Beacon academy had begun. Initiation wasn't anything impressive for Kreel. He had gone through a much more grueling and life-threatening initiation to become part of the Inquisitorius. But he had to admit there were some of the students that showed some promise.

He had been assigned to run the Combat Training Class. It being the only class he was already used to doing as he had trained Vernal, except now he had to do the same with many more and much younger students.

Looking through the files of everyone he'd be teaching, he picked and separated the students based on their backgrounds and potential. Many of the names caught his attention, four in particular. The first is Ruby Rose, noting how she was too young to be in this school. The next was Blake Belladonna; during his time within the Branwen Clan, he had heard a great deal about the Faunus group known as the White Fang. He had also learned of one of its most significant leaders, The Belladonna family. The third person was Pyrrha Nikos. Even with his short time on Remnant, he had heard of the "Invincible Girl", "The Champion of Mistral," so he found it confusing why someone with such popularity and glory would throw it all away to become a huntress. The last and most obvious was Yang Xiao Long, the daughter of Raven.

Krrrl continues to read through the files until he notices students begin to enter the classroom. The classroom isn't really a classroom. It is more of an arena with stands surrounding the edge of the arena overlooking its entirety.

As the bell rings for class to begin, Kreel sighs as he stands up from the desk that had been placed along the edge of the stands. Looking out, he obviously gets recognized by the young Ruby Rose, who joyfully waves toward him. He ignores her as he steps over the railing and falls into the ring, creating a loud thud that echoes through the classroom and gets the student's attention.

Kreel: "Listen up! I am Professor Kreel, and you will either call me Professor or Sir. Nothing more, nothing less." His black blade and the Holocron hanging from his waist seem to draw the student's attention. "I am your Combat Instructor. My job is to ensure that whenever you are in a situation where you are to use violence against an opponent or opponents, you win by any means necessary. To do this, my teaching techniques will test your resolve but also your moral code." They seem to begin muttering. "My class has three rules, and I suggest you follow them like your life depends on them. It might, actually. Rule 1: My word is Law. Everything I say is to be followed to exact instructions, failure to do so will result in your immediate expulsion." The muttering began to grow in volume. "Shut up!...Rule 2: Once you step into this arena, the only way your leaving is either you walking out or being carried out. The last rule, and I HIGHLY advise you not to deviate. Rule 3: Every fight you conduct in this class will be done to the death." The gasp and shouting from what followed increased The Inquisitor's anger to no end. "I said SHUT UP!!" His anger unleashes a small Force blast that causes the students to go silent. "I understand that my statement may be rash, but in the real world, the opponents you face, Grimm or likewise, will try and kill you. Fighting to capture or just defeat them is not enough. To be huntsmen, you must close your heart to the significance of their lives; you must not feel for them because they certainly will not feel for you."

???: "Sir! Isn't it inappropriate to teach us such ruthless tactics?" A white-haired girl says as she leans on the railing.

Kreel: "Weiss Schnee, is it? Well, miss Schnee, as a huntress, you must protect innocent people. If you are too afraid to end a life to do so, then what good of a huntress are you? So if you have any further questions, I suggest you sit down and start planning on how not to fail this class." Weiss shrinks down into her seat. "Now then, anyone else?"

Ruby: "Are we actually going to be killing anyone?" She sheepishly says.

Kreel: "If I had it my way, yes. BUT because Ozpin would be rather upset, you will fight until I call the matches or step in. So be glad you won't be killing anyone. But that doesn't excuse you from not fighting with the intent to kill. And believe me...I will know if you aren't fighting with that killer's intent. Do you have any more questions?...Good, I have to go back to personal study, so take the rest of the class to realign your morals." He rubbed the back of his head as a minor migraine began to form.

Taking a seat back at his desk, he continues to read through a book he had been given by Vernal when he left. As he reads, he hears the students' voices talking with one another. But in the back of his mind, he hears a light whispering. The voice is difficult to understand, as the students drown it out but also because it seems to be speaking in another language. As he comes close to finally separating the voice from the student's noise, the bell to head to the next class goes off, breaking his concentration. He shakes his head as he gets back into reading his book.

Hours pass as the day stretches on for what feels like forever. During one of the few times he's able to get a reprieve from having to babysit, Kreel decides to meditate in the middle of the ring. The hard cold steel of the floor reminded him of the arena floor at Fortress Inquisitorius, which made it easy to find strength within his hatred.

Set in front of him was the Holocron, its red glow almost hypnotizing. He sat before it with his eyes closed, deep in meditation. He focused his anger, channeling it and gaining power from it. During this time he had, he pondered on many different subjects. "Why were the Jedi on Remnant? Who was Darth Revan, and why did they have this sword constructed to defeat Mandalorians?" All were thoughts that raced through Kreel's mind. He knew this Holocron was different from what he's seen other Holocrons look like. The sword also was still a concern for him. He knew that the sword was supposed to be something more. He just didn't know how to go forward, and he hated how he needed to rely on someone like Ozpin for that path forward.

???: "It's quite simple, really. Just make your own path."

Hearing the voice, Kreel shoots up and ignites the black blade. Taking a battle stance, his eyes darted around the whole room, but he couldn't see the intruder.

???: "Calm yourself. I'd rather not have you slice the room into pieces looking for me."

Kreel: "Then why don't you come out? That way, I can simply slice you to pieces."

???: "Oh, but I already have. I've always been. I've been right in front of you since you first found me."

Coming to the realization, the Inquisitor turns and looks down at the Holocron with confusion.

Kreel: "How is this possible?"

Holocron: "Sit down, and I shall explain everything, Inquisitor Kreel."

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