Chapter 1: Freedom

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Eyes shoot open as the sight of the low-hanging metal ceiling looms just a foot or two away from the Inquisitor's face. The Inquisitor sits up as he leans off the edge of the grey and flat bed. Seeing his helmet on his small "nightstand," he puts it on and equips his lightsaber. Proceeding to leave his small chamber. Exiting and making his way down the hallway, he is soon flanked by two tall and intimidating troopers. These were known as Death Troopers, soldiers specifically trained to guard high-value individuals. He knew he was far from high value, but he also knew something most of his fellow "siblings" within the Inquisitorius didn't.

To survive and grow more powerful within the Empire, you have to make yourself worth something to someone. So that's what he did. He spent most of his early career making himself useful to many wealthy and politically influential people. So much so that the Emperor himself was convinced to assign him his very own Death Trooper guard. Something many within the Inquisitorius found cowardice and cheap. But it didn't matter to him. He was alive, and many that hated him weren't.

Continuing down the hallway of the large Star Destroyer, one of the more powerful ships within the Empire, he was greeted by many troopers and officers. Eventually stopping outside a large set of blast doors, he orders his guard to wait for him as he enters the dark room.

The room is empty, only housing a pedestal used for communication. Getting down to one knee, the pedestal comes to life as a hologram of the commander of the Inquisitors, The Grand Inquisitor, appears.

Grand Inquisitor: "13th Brother. It is good to see you are in good health. Admiral Yularen informed me you took a slight reprieve after your last mission instead of contacting me as protocol dictates."

Inquisitor: "Yes, my lord. The mission was much more exhausting than I anticipated. I simply require but a moment of respite."

Grand Inquisitor: "No! You simply were resting after another of your killing sprees. The mission was to capture the Jedi, so they could be tortured into giving up the location of other remaining Jedi. Yet, the aftermath of your mission was nothing but the corpses of both the Jedi, the rebel soldiers accompanying them, and approximately 50 imperial citizens. The only reason Lord Vader isn't the one on my side of this communication is that you have taken the time to build up credibility within the higher rankings of the Empire. So here is the ultimatum. Either stop butchering everyone you come across on your missions, or Lord Vader will be forced to deal with you...personally." This caused the Inquisitor to shudder at the thought of simply being in the same room as the Dark Lord.

Inquisitor: "Yes. Grand Inquisitor."

As the hologram dissipated, the Inquisitor was again left in utter darkness. Opening his eyes after trying to disregard the thought of being on the receiving end of Vader's blood-red blade, he sees he's not in the communication room but lying on his back in the middle of a dense forest. Sitting up, he shakes his head as if he must've been in a dream after the hyperdrive explosion.

Inquisitor: "Hm. So this is what happens when a hyperdrive explodes. Maybe. Or I'm just the luckiest person in the galaxy."

Getting to his feet, he looks around and can't seem to find any form of life whatsoever. Making his way through the dense forest, he soon finds his way to an open clearing. Finally able to try and get his bearing, he pulls out his portable communicator.

Inquisitor: "Admiral Yularen." Only hearing static. "Admiral Yularen! This is 13th Brother, requesting a pickup." Only more static. "Ugh! Any official Imperial channels respond immediately! Gah! Useless!!" He throws his communicator as he groans in anger and annoyance.

He is soon put on guard as he hears the roar of some kind of creature. Drawing his saber, he goes to ignite it but finds that the blade is shorting out.

Inquisitor: "Blasted price of junk! Fine! I guess I'm going a bit "hands-on" with this one."

Readying himself, he sees a disturbance within the trees ahead of him as the creature crashes through the brush ahead of him. The beast moves on all fours and is covered in pitch-black fur, and it has bits of what appear to be bone armor at critical joints and open spots.

Inquisitor: "A rather strange one, aren't you?" The creature seems to growl and roar at the Inquisitor as it readies a charge

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Inquisitor: "A rather strange one, aren't you?" The creature seems to growl and roar at the Inquisitor as it readies a charge. "Oh? You're a big scary monster, are you now? Well, then, let us put that to the test."

The beast charges toward him, but he simply uses his hatred and anger to fuel his connection and control of the Force. Easily he lifts the creature up into the air. It flails around, trying to free itself from whatever has it. The Inquisitor couldn't help but laugh at the creature's mindlessness.

Inquisitor: "Such high hopes I had for your beast, but alas, you are as mindless and idiotic as any other. It pains me, but I'll have to put you down now."

Clenching his fist, the creature screeches as it contorts its body in sickly and ungodly ways, its bones snapping and splitting apart as its body is pretzeled into a horrible shape.

Dropping the creature, he couldn't help but marvel at his work, even if it was simply just crushing the beast with unparalleled power. But he's soon intrigued as the creature begins to fade away, its black fur turning into dust that flies away, leaving only its bone armor.

Inquisitor: "Hmm... that's new. It seems the galaxy has more strange things to offer. Funny." Pulling out his saber hilt once again, he looks over it and makes some slight modifications. "Great. It looks as though I'll only get one more use out of this thing before the saber falls apart. Now then, where the hell do I go?"

Looking around him, he soon catches on that he's being watched. His suspicions are soon released, though, as he finds out that his stalker is nothing more than a bird that had been watching him from a nearby tree.

Inquisitor: "Well, then it seems that even with creatures as threatening as whatever that was, even avians still survive. I hope my performance thrilled you to no end, my fine feather friend. But I must be off; I have things to do and places to be."

As the Inquisitor begins to walk deeper into the forest, the bird simply watches on; soon, it flaps its wings as it flies after the lone Jedi hunter.

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