Chapter 19: Sated Bloodlust

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Kreel walks through the halls of Haven academy. This would be his first time within the Academy, and he had to say he was intrigued by design behind the school. He hadn't taken the portal that Raven offered as he chose to go for one of his "walks"; something he had begun to do a great deal more and more.

Revan: "You seem chipper than usual. Did that walk of yours help refocus your mind? Since you seem to never want anyone to come with you, including me."

Kreel: "I don't see how my business has any concern to you, Sith lord."

Revan: "It concerns me when you delay yourself from completing your goal."

Kreel: "MY goal? Last I checked, this damn blade was your goal. Not mine." Gesturing to the Black Blade that rested on his hip.

Revan: "And what is your goal? To survive. To be the last one standing when all is said and done. With immortality, you can accomplish that goal and so much more."

Kreel: "No. With immortality, I lose the enjoyment of winning. Now hush. We're supposed to be meeting with someone named Hazel. Whoever that is?"

Rounding the corner, he is once again confronted by the White Fang. From what he could tell, they seemed to be planting explosives along the main supports of the school. As they saw him, they immediately drew their weapons but were ordered to stop by a gruff-sounding voice.

Out from the group steps a huge man towering over the Inquisitor. He wore a dark green coat over a black shirt and dark brown pants. His sleeves had been rolled up to reveal his forearms which had deep scars all along them both.

Hazel: "You must be the bandit, Kreel

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Hazel: "You must be the bandit, Kreel. Your late, but it's good to see you actually here. I go by Hazel."

Kreel: "Well then, Hazel. I suppose we shouldn't keep our guests waiting. Shall we?"

Hazel: "Shouldn't be long now, their setting the last of the explosives. So we might as well head to the main atrium now. Let's go." The two men made their way to the main hall.

Kreel inspected Hazel as they walked. He had a knack for reading people, given his past as a personal guard for imperial politicians. Hazel certainly had the ability to kill; he walked and carried himself as if he already did. But Kreel could already tell that Hazel had morals, that he was a good man deep down. So his motivation for destroying the society that bases itself around huntsmen either had to be out of vengeance or blind righteousness.

Kreel: "So? What does someone like you get out of doing something like this?"

Hazel: "None of your business. Don't think I haven't been informed of who you are."

Kreel: "And who am I, mister Hazel?"

Hazel: "You're nothing more than a murderer. Plain and simple. You kill because it's convenient for you. You find no pity or remorse for those that stand in your path."

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