Chapter 24: The Path Walked Upon-

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The port city of Argus, under the late afternoon sky, appeared peaceful. Kreel and Raven make their way through the streets of the town. The two days it had taken for the both of them to get to Argus was, to say the least, tiring for the Inquisitor. Raven constantly asked him questions about what Force abilities she had access to, as well as questions on how he had manipulated the rest of the clan in the past.

To top it off, Revan had constantly pestered Kreel with both teaching advice for Raven as well as attempting to get Kreel to complete the Black Blade. Kreel, at this point, was sick and tired of hearing both of them speak.

Kreel: "Okay. We're here now. Go find us a place to hide out at for the night."

Raven: "And what are you going to do?"

Kreel: "I'll go and see if I can find where they are. Now get going."

Raven: "You'll find me when you do, right?"

Kreel: "You'll know when I tell you. Now go."

Raven: "There's no need for the attitude."

Before she had time to react, Raven found herself gasping for air as she was lifted off the ground and Kreel's hand wrapped around her throat. As she looks down at him, she only sees cold and intense murderous intent in his eyes.

Kreel: "It seems you have forgotten your place. You are not my equal, or my superior, not anymore. You are MY apprentice. You are meant to do as I say. Not to question my every decision and action. The only reason you are still alive now and not with your late husband isn't because of some poultry emotions of love but because you have some use." As he says this, he drops her. "Now, GET GOING."

Raven rubs her neck as she looks up at the Inquisitor. Scowling slightly, she transforms into her avian form and flies off.

Revan: "I see patience isn't your strongest attribute."

Kreel: "Quiet. Your obsession with this damn blade has been nothing but infuriating."

The Holorcon goes silent as Kreel begins to wander through the city. He wasn't actually looking for the huntresses; he just wanted to have some form of peace and quiet. As he continues to walk through the town, he's soon surprised as he finds someone he recognized.

Several Hours Later

Outside the Arc household, Team RWBY, Qrow, and the remaining members of Team JNPR discuss their search for Oscar. With them were the three relatives of Jaune: Saphron, Terra, and Adrian.

Ren: "No luck?"

Blake: "No, you?"

Jaune: "Don't worry, we aren't going to Atlas without him."

Terra: "How about we get out of this cold first? Adrian's having a fit." The small baby begins to start crying.

The group head into the tiny house. Their hearts jump as they spot Oscar, who they had been looking all day for, at the opposite end of the front entrance. But that excitement is soon replaced by fear and anger as a set of hand rest on Oscar's shoulders.

Kreel: "Well, would you look at that? It seems Oscar here was right. Luckily I didn't have to wait too terribly long." He smiles as the two teams draw their weapons.

Qrow: "The hell are you doing here?"

Kreel: "Me? Oh! I was just in town, and I found your little friend here by himself, and I just wanted to make sure he got to his friends and...well, we're here now."

Ruby: "What do you want?"

Kreel: "Nothing."

Yang: "Nothing?"

Kreel: "Nothing. What? That so hard to believe?"

Qrow: "Yeah, Kreel. Yes, it is."

Kreel: "Well, believe me, or not I'm only here to drop off your little Oscar. Oh! And to give you a little warning. We don't have to be enemies. We both want to see Salem brought down. We just have different ways to go about it. But in the end, we both need those Relics."

Blake: "So you're here for the Relic. We aren't going to just give it to you."

Kreel: "Assuming you would is simply stupid on my part. No, I'll get that Relic sooner than later...This is a nice place. You have a lovely-looking family. Hope nothing happens to them."

Jaune: "You stay away from them, you son of a bitch."

Kreel: "Hmph. I'll be around."

The group are all surprised as Kreel simply vanishes. He had used his Total Hypnosis to trick them into thinking that one of the framed photos of Saphron and Terra holding Adrian that rested on Oscar's shoulder was him. As they rush over to check on Oscar, Kreel silently exits the back door.

Revan(mental): "You fool! You stupid idiot! You could've taken some of his blood for the blade!"

Kreel continues to endure the ranting of Revan as he walks along a pier looking at the northern sea leading up to Atlas. Finally, the constant yelling and berating of Revan get to the Inquisitor as he reaches down to the Holocron, ripping it off the cord it had been connected to Kreel with.

Kreel: "Revan. It would be best of you to quit talking."

Revan: "You're the one who can't see the bigger picture. All you have to do is get a drop of their blood, and that's it! What is there to understand?!" Kreel cocks an eyebrow.

Kreel: "That's all? Truly?"

Revan: "Yes! By the Force, are you this thick-headed?"

Kreel: "No...But unfortunately, you didn't keep all of your creator's intelligence."

Revan: "What are you on about?"

Kreel: "Did you really think me that stupid? No one smart enough or even dumb enough would believe that the Immortality you talked of could come without consequence. I knew there had to be a catch or perhaps a flaw. But to see that there isn't means it truly is free Immortality."

Revan: "That's what I have been trying to tell you this whole time!"

Kreel: "I apologize for my distrust."

Revan: "Hmph. You should be."

Kreel: "I also apologize for giving you too much credit. You are as foolish as Raven."

Revan: "What?!"

Kreel: "You see, you didn't let me finish, and that's fine. It wouldn't have changed the outcome if you kept quiet or not. Unfortunately, you have outlived your usefulness. The only reason I kept you around was to see if the blade's true form had any drawbacks but to hear you say it doesn't...well, that just makes this all the more simple."

Revan: "Wait! You don't have to do this!"

Kreel: "How would you like to die? If you can do that." There was only silence as Kreel held the red Holocron in his hand. "Hmm. Thought as much." He tightens his grip on the Holocron as it begins to crack. Soon he amplifies his strength with the Force and shatters the Holocron.

Wiping his hand of the shards of glass, he continues to walk down the pier by himself. Kreel was content with this. He knew that the path he had walked through his life alone, and that was something he found strength in. But now, all he had to do was get what he came for.

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