Chapter 2: First Signs of Life

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The Inquisitor continues alone through the unknown terrain he had mysteriously found himself upon. The forest was date tranquil; little to know creatures crossed his oath except for more of those creatures with the black fur. Many were the same as before, giant dog-like creatures, but some were more familiar to bears; one was a snake with a head at both ends of its body. But none were too troubling for the Force wielder. It mattered little to him, but he was glad to see his "fine feathered friend" had continued to follow him and watch him seamlessly kill these beasts left and right.

As he continued to walk through the forest, he soon found something promising—a road. Now, this wasn't a paved road or a metal one found on most planets, this one being more of a dirt road that has had frequent use. This showed him that there was intelligent life on this planet and that traveling to a nearby settlement or city may allow him to get to an imperial base of some kind.

So he began to walk down the road. Unfortunately, he didn't run into any people but knowing that there was a road boosted his confidence significantly. Eventually, he saw people, actual people, not any aliens but humans. There were around 5 or 6 of them, and they seemed to have made a small camp alongside the road.

Approaching the camp, he was met with less than welcoming behavior. But that wasn't anything new for the Inquisitor. On imperial planets, it was common knowledge that if you saw an Inquisitor, stay away. But this was a tad different than what he had expected. As he was at the edge of the camp, a man came forth from the group.

The man has dirty blonde hair, wearing a purple jacket and gray clothing underneath. Right off the bat, the Inquisitor knew this was a weakling whose only worth was that he might have some form of charisma.

Leader: "You seem lost, friend."

Inquisitor: "We aren't friends, but yes. I seem to have lost my way."

Shay: "Well, fret not, my very intimidating friend. Us good lads, are here to help. Here, you can call me Shay D. Mann. But my friends call me Shay."

Inquisitor: "While I wish I had better options, it seems you and your friends will have to do."

Shay: "Great! You hear that, lads? We got ourselves a new friend. Now about payment? You see, around these parts, lien is very scarce, so helping out one's friends with said lien is a sign of good faith."

Inquisitor: " seems I may have lost my...lien?"

Shay: "Huh. Well, ain't that a shame. But hey, what are friends for, huh? How about we make a trade? We help you out but first, you give us that nice-looking armor you got on?"

Inquisitor: "Shay. How about we just skip the pleasantries? You're bandits, aren't you?" As he says this, Shay pulls the revolver he had on his belt and points it at the Inquisitor. Soon followed by the other five men pulling weapons out.

Shay: "Sorry lad, a man's gotta make a living. And we do so by taking what ain't ours. You understand, right? Now, how about you do us a favor and start giving us what you got."

Inquisitor: "*sigh* Of all the people I've could have the fortune of running into, I just so happen to run into the group that society would congratulate me on getting rid of. How lucky I am."

Bandit: "Uh? What is he talking about?"

Before they had time to react, each of the bandits' weapons were yanked from their hands. The weapons quickly floated over to float next to the Inquisitor. The barrels of their guns pointed squarely at the bandits.

Inquisitor: "Now then, gentlemen, here is what's going to happen. You are going to answer my questions. If you don't, or if you try to resist or antagonize me in even the slightest. Well, I'll kill you with your own gun."

Shay: "Okay, heh, no need to go killing anyone. We're all friends. Right?"

Inquisitor: "I don't know how I can impress upon you further that WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. But it seems you are an individual who requires visual guidance." Without a second thought, Shay's own pistol fires a shot right next to his own foot, and shortly after, the gun practically falls apart. "My word, you do know something called weapon maintenance, correct?"

Shay: "Hey! No need for violence now, alright! Geez! Fine, I'll answer your damn questions!"

Now the Inquisitor couldn't ask straightforward questions, like what planet he was on or where the nearest imperial base was. He had noticed how none of the other bandits didn't recognize the imperial symbol on his shoulder. And judging by the rather lawless nature these men lived by, it could be assumed that this may be a planet along the Outer Rim of the galaxy or perhaps...further beyond.

Inquisitor: "Is it just you six, or are there more?"

Shay: "Nah. There's more. We're only a small scouting team. Meant to watch the borders and steal anything that ain't nailed down."

Inquisitor: "And where would you say your main encampment is?"

Shay: "Hah! If you wanted to kill yourself, why didn't you ask? Yeah, go ahead and head to our main camp. I'm sure the boss would love to kick your sorry ass."

Inquisitor: "Careful, Shay. I can still kill you without trying. But you seem rather confident that your "boss" could beat me in a fight. How about we go visit them? I could use the distraction."

Shay: "You're serious? What are you mad?" The weapons drop as Shay also hears the thumping of bodies falling. He turns around and is horrified to see all the other bandits are dead, their necks snapped in the same way.

Inquisitor: "No, Shay. I'm just bored. And me being bored is very bad for your life expectancy. So...lead the way."

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