Chapter 31: Above the Clouds

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General Ironwood sits in his office reviewing disturbing images of what appeared to be a massacre at a warehouse close to the border of Mantle. The bodies had failed to be identified as they had been severely mauled. As he looks over the images, he is flanked by Winter Schnee and the newly arrived Qrow Branwen. Opposite of the desk stood Ruby Rose and Ebi Clover, head of Ace Ops.

Ironwood: "This is bad. Real bad. First Jacques's sudden death, the random murders happening in Mantle, and now there's Grimm right outside our city, and we didn't even know."

Winter: "Including Robyn stealing our supplies for the Amity tower. Sir, I hate to say this, but if we can't find a solution soon, I suggest we instate martial law."

Ruby: "What?!"

Qrow: "You can't be serious! If you do that, then missing supplies won't be your only big concern. The people will be afraid, and we all know how bad that'll be."

Clover: "Well, there has to be something we can try."

Winter: "Sir? Perhaps-"

Ironwood: "It's already done. He's being flown up here now."

Clover: "Who, General?"

Ironwood: "Not long ago, I met a...specialist. Someone who I have great belief is working against our Salem problem. I called him in to help us with dealing with Robyn." As he says this, a soldier enters the room.

Solider: "Sir! The VIP and his guest are about to arrive."

Ironwood: "Ah! Good." He stands up from his desk. "Let's go meet our guest. Agent Schnee, Clover, with me." Clover and Winter follow behind Ironwood as Qrow and Ruby questioningly follow as well.

The five of them head outside of the Atlas Academy tower. They look on as they see a small escort of bullheads approaching the floating academy. They watch as the central bullhead lands.

Qrow: "You never gave a name for this guy. Who is he, exactly? And where did you meet him."

Ironwood: "I met him at the party that Jacques held for himself...the night he had his heart attack. He said that if he ever needed my assistance, I could simply call upon him. He said his name was Kreel."

Qrow/Ruby: "What?!?"

They turn to see the bullhead door open as Kreel calmly walks down the ramp. He appeared to be in the same attire from the night of Jacques's death. Flanking him were both Adam Tauras and Neopolitan.

As he smiled toward Ironwood, he was slightly concerned as he found both scythes of Ruby and Qrow at his throat. Luckily the only thing stopping them from colliding with him was Adam, who blocks both huntsmen's attacks. His eyes were slightly dilated as he accessed his animalistic instincts to enhance his strength.

Ironwood: "Qrow! Stand down, both of you!"

Qrow: "Ironwood, you don't understand! This guy's a cold-blooded killer and a monster! You'll pay for what you did to Raven!"

Kreel: "Sir...I have no clue who you are, but you need to control yourself and your friend here."

Ruby: "Shut up! You hurt Yang and took Pyrrha away! You're a monster!"

As Adam steeled his grip, Qrow and Ruby stopped as they heard the sound of weapons being drawn. They look to see both Winter and Clover pointing their weapons at the two of them.

Ironwood: "I wasn't asking before. Now I'm ordering you both to drop your weapons."

Ruby: "But- you don't understand. He's hurt hundreds of people. You can't let him be here."

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