Chapter 5: Papier-Mâché World

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Kreel sat in his cell and meditated, funneling his anger and hatred into himself. He hadn't done this in a very long time, not since he first joined the Inquisitorius. And as he currently had nothing else to do, this was the best thing he could do. As he meditated, he couldn't help but wonder why he gave Raven and Vernal his real name. He hadn't used his name in a long time as well, always going by 13th Brother or Inquisitor but never by his real name.

As he continued to meditate, he heard someone approach his cell. Opening his eyes, he was pleasantly surprised to see Raven. In truth, he had no clue whether she even liked him or not. But he had somewhat grown fond of her company, not in any romantic way but more in a familiar sense. To him, she carried herself with cold confidence. A type of confidence of someone who doesn't need to or doesn't go out of their way to prove their strength or superiority. It was the same confidence he, too, used.

Kreel: "Miss Branwen. A pleasure to see you again."

Raven: "What? No sly flirting, no inappropriate compliment? My, you can be civil."

Kreel: "Yes, well, after some thinking, I've decided to refrain from such comments. You have treated me with respect even with my comments, and regarding the man, you have a picture of yourself within your tent." Raven instantly glares at Kreel. "Now, I obviously don't intend to offend in any way. I simply apologize if the words I may have spoken to get under your skin purposely may have brought up something I know nothing about."

Raven: "Your right, you know nothing......But thank you for the apology. He was my husband. We divorced when I chose to live this life so he and my daughter could live peacefully."

Kreel: "You have a daughter?" Raven sits down, and exhales deeply.

Raven: "Yang. She'd be 11 now. When I had her, my husband and I were overjoyed..but soon, I came to realize I was more of a danger to them than the Grimm, so I went back to this life. At least I could know they were safe."

Kreel: "Are the two of them...alive?"

Raven: "Yes...He remarried. He married my best friend. It was I didn't even matter to him. Like I was just some girl he could switch out for another one. Do you have any idea what that feels like? To think you were loved, only to be stabbed in the heart and tossed aside. He taught my own daughter to hate me. I...I just-"

As she was about to continue, a loud roar echoed throughout the camp, followed by shouting and gunfire.

Raven: "Stay. Here."

Getting up, Raven draws her sword as she heads outside the tent. Exiting, she was met by an almost endless amount of Grimm attacking the camp. Steeling her resolve, she begins cutting down Grimm left and right. Making quick work of them as she was trained to do. Eventually, meeting up with Vernal as the young girl was helping a wounded bandit get to his feet.

Raven: "Vernal! Rally, the rest of the clan! I'll buy you some time." Vernal nods as Raven cuts a swath of death and destruction through the Grimm.

As she made her way through the camp, she couldn't help but notice that the Grimm seemed to come from all sides. From her time as a huntress, she was taught that Grimm hordes don't generally have a tactic of surrounding their prey. They usually go for the straightest route possible. This attack seemed to almost be like the Grimm were drawn from all around the camp. But her contemplation was soon interrupted as an explosion from a nearby tent threw her to the ground.

Slowly catching her bearings, she could barely make out the Grimm slowly closing in around her. She couldn't stand as the shockwave from how close the blast was to her made it impossible. Trying to reach out for her sword, a Beowolf began to rush toward Her.

But it would never reach her as she heard what almost sounded like the unsheathing of a sword but much louder. What she could make out a red beam of light had cut clean through the Beowolf, causing its two halves to topple over. The figure held out their hand as the rest of the Grimm surrounding Raven were launched backward.

Finally regaining her bearings, she looked up to see Kreel standing over her, wielding his ignited lightsaber.

Kreel: "Hello there." He held out his hand to help her up.

Raven: "I thought...I told you to stay in your cell." Taking his hand as he pulled her up.

Kreel: "And miss out on all the fun. No way. There's more coming. I can draw them toward me so you can rally, but I need your permission to help. Can I help?"

Raven: "...Okay. Do what you do."

Kreel: "Very well. Stay behind me."

As Raven backed away, the Inquisitor looked on with an almost sickening sadistic smile as more Grimm made their way toward the two of them.

Kreel: "I've been sober from killing for way too long. You Grimm are rather unlucky. Of all the people you had to run into, you have the misfortune of meeting me. But that's fine, come all you want. I'll enjoy killing you all!"

Holding out his blade, the blade guard extended to form a complete circle around the saber. Igniting another blade at the opposite end, Raven and the rest of the clan were amazed as the two blades began to spin along the full circle of the guard like the blades of a fan.

Kreel walked toward the Grimm and made the first move as he threw the spinning saber, cutting clean through two Grimm and using the Force to direct it in the air. As he continued to walk toward the Grimm, he used the Force to have the flying saber saw through each of the Grimm. All the while, he laughed almost maniacally, truly enjoying the slaughter he was causing.

The Grimm were eventually so outmatched by the Inquisitor that they began to flee from the camp. But Kreel wasn't done, stopping the blade in front of him and having it mimic that of a table saw. Using the Force, he grabs a fleeing Ursa, and he then begins to slowly drag the large Grimm toward the saw blade that was his saber. He smiled as the Grimm was slowly dragged through the spinning blades, cutting it half in excruciating gradualness.

As the bandits have begun to recuperate from the survived attack. Raven and Vernal watched as Kreel held his saber in his hands as it seemed to fall apart. They watched as he held out his hand, and a small glowing crystal pulled itself from within the blade and floated in his hand.

Kreel: "Well, that was fun while it lasted." He straightened up as Raven made her way over to him. "You're not too damaged, I hope?"

Raven: "This isn't my first time on the receiving end of pain. I'll live. Thanks to you, that is. You know, for as cruel and bloodthirsty as you are a sight to watch."

Kreel: "A compliment from Raven Branwen? I must have died." Raven rolled her eyes. "Calm down. I'm just joking. I am glad to see you are not too hurt."

Raven: "Your concern is appreciated. So, that's the power of a lightsaber. Impressive. So now that you have your answers and earned your freedom, what will you do now? Try and go back to your Galactic Empire?"

Kreel: "No point in trying. I'm not going to pretend the Empire cared little for my life. My name was a number to them. You and your bandits are the only people on this planet I know. So, if you would have me, I'd like to stay with your clan?"

Raven: "Very well then. Welcome to the Branwen Clan, Inquisitor. Your first order of business is helping repair the walls. Your Force abilities could come in real handy with that." Kreel bows slightly as he begins to walk away, stopping for a brief moment.

Kreel: "Miss Branwen. One last thing...The conversation we had before the attack, never happened. Also, you should smile more. You look nice when you smile." He doesn't turn around as he walks away. As he did so, Raven couldn't help but crack a small smile.

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