Chapter 20: Together in Hate and Anguish

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Raven: "Your leaving?!! She's not even gone for a week, and you're already leaving?!" She yells from the entrance of Kreel's tent as she watches him packing his things into a bag.

It had been four days since the failed heist on Haven Academy for the Relic of Knowledge. The attack had taken its toll upon the Branwen clan, both physically and emotionally. With the death of Vernal, many of the clan members had disbanded. Seeing the failed heist and the death of Vernal as a sign of the clan's decline and their leader's cowardice. But Kreel didn't care for any of that. He had made an oath to seek vengeance against Salem herself for the death of Vernal.

Kreel: "Raven, this isn't up for discussion. You and I know what I must do, and nothing you say or do will stop me."

Raven: "You think I wanted this to happen?! That I wanted Vernal to die? For my clan, for everything I built to come crumbling down around me? No! I tried my hardest to plan and to set us up for something greater, but we weren't prepared enough for Salem."

Kreel: "You think you're free of blame?! You, Raven Branwen, are a COWARD! Plain and simple. I know cowards when I see them. They hide from responsibility and blame others for their failures. You sided with them, not because of the clan's safety and well-being, but because you feared Salem. No. You ARE afraid of Salem. But I am not a coward. I accept my failure of not being there for Vernal, for not protecting her enough. But what I will not, can not accept, is the continued existence of the person that orchestrated her death. So you are either with me or against me. If so, then go pack your things and meet me outside, but if you're not, then get the hell out of my way." Kreel eyed Raven as he stood in front of her. His expression was calm fury, like that before a storm.

Raven stood her ground as she stared daggers at Kreel, but he could feel the conflict within her. He could feel her longing, her fear, and finally, her sadness. All these emotions had begun to boil over, as had shown in her expression. But before her feelings can cause her complete loss of composure, she turns away and quickly leaves his tent.

Revan: "It seems she isn't as capable of holding her emotions in check as she thinks."

Kreel: "Leave her be. She's lost just as much, if not more, than you think. That reality probably just hit her." He sighs as he soon finishes packing his gear.

Leaving the tent, he takes one last look around the camp he had grown so accustomed to. It was as if it was a home he would want to stay at. But as he walked through the camp, he could see that the home he had lived in for the last seven years was falling apart. Many tents that clan members usually staffed were now empty and abandoned. The close to a hundred members of the once mighty clan had now dwindled to only around 15 or 20.

Eventually, he passes by the command tent, stopping to look toward it. He sighs as he sets down his bag and enters into the tent. Inside, he hears the faint sniffling of Raven. She was sitting in the chair at the end of the map table. She and he had constantly looked over and studied in the past. Now it felt empty. Hearing him enter, she looks up at him.

Raven: "What? Never see a woman cry before when she's lost everything?"

Kreel didn't say anything as he slowly walked over to her. Gently placing his hand on her cheek, she rests her head on his hand. He leans down and places a singular kiss on her head. Then as quick as he came into the tent, he was soon gone. Again leaving Raven alone.

Several Hours Later

Kreel sits in front of a campfire as the shattered moon sheds it's light down onto the forest he is in. He had managed to catch some small game and was cooking it over a spit he had grabbed from the camp food tent. As he sat, he contemplated his next move. He has no idea where even to begin his search for Salem; at most, he would have to start killing Grimm until she took notice, but she would just send more Grimm. He had no allies, he was a bandit who killed civilians and huntsmen, so none of the remaining kingdoms would willingly help him.

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