Chapter 29: Under the White Shade

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Kreel opens the door the out of the Schnee Manor study. Looking back into the room, he sees Jacques Schnee slumped forward in his chair. He smirks as he closes the door behind him. He looked around the hallway, checking to see if anyone was around. As Kreel begins to head down the hallway, he turns around and hears a set of heels clicking down the hallway behind him. Kreel starts to follow the clicking cautiously.

He follows the heels down a spiral staircase, eventually leading back outside. Kreel exits the manor into a giant hedge garden. The hedge bushes had been cut to act as walls creating a maze. He began to investigate through the maze of bushes and flowers. He had no clue on why he was so intrigued by all this; could it have been some outside force, or perhaps he was just plain curious?

Finally reaching the center of this maze-like garden, he finds a large fountain with multiple small benches surrounding the fountain. Sitting on one of the benches was a woman. She had snow-white hair tied up in a small ponytail. She wore an intricately designed dark blue dress with accents of white and bright blue. She was currently sipping a glass of wine as Kreel also spotted a bottle of half-drunken wine on the ground next to the bench.

???: "Can I help you? I do believe the party is back the way you came. Unless you're looking for my husband, that is."

As she looked at Kreel, he could see that she seemed out of place. The small bags under her eyes told him that she either didn't care how the world saw her or that the world never did see her. Speaking from experience, every member of royalty he ever met tried to keep themselves looking young through makeup or surgery of some kind. This was also proven in the way she looked at him. Disinterest and boredom. If she is supposed to be someone of notoriety, she would try and keep appearances and save face. Kreel had to be careful with his words.

Kreel: "I apologize. I merely wished to explore the manner. I suppose you are the Lady of the estate?"

Willow: "Hmph. Lady? Heh. No...Willow Schnee."

Kreel: "Not a fan of the lavish lifestyle, hmm?"

Willow: "No. *sips wine* No, I am not. You don't seem much like one of my husband's associates. In truth, you don't seem like someone who belongs here."

Kreel: "And how have you come to that conclusion?"

Willow: "Too handsome."

Kreel: "Heh. It seems your wine has gotten to you. How about-*Force pulls Wine Bottle*-we, speak without the grapes involved?" Willow almost looked impressed but relents as she pours her wine from her glass.

Willow: "Fascinating parlor trick...Very well, mystery man. We shall play by your rules. Sit. Your legs must be tired from all that posturing you must be doing to play the role of the rich." Kreel smirks as he sits on the bench with Willow.

Kreel: "Suppose I should at least give you my name. Kreel. A pleasure to meet you, miss Willow."

Willow: "No last name?"

Kreel: "Not really a fan of last names."

Willow: "Ah. I see now. I was right. You obviously don't belong here. So you're a thief then?" Kreel grows a semi-serious expression. "Kidding. I won't tell a soul. If you are, take what you like. My husband will most likely never notice it is gone." Kreel seems to relax.

Kreel: "Had me worried for a moment. But sad to say, I am not a thief."

Willow: "Well then, tell me, mister Kreel. What brings a man like you to a party of royals and business tycoons?"

The Sadistic Inquisition: A RWBY Story. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora