Chapter 15: Mount Glenn

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Kreel looked down at his helmet that he held in his hands. Adjusting slightly, he could feel that the stitches for his wound were still holding, but he knew stressing his body could tear them. As he stood up and put on his helmet, he felt a hand slap itself on his shoulder. Looking over to see Qrow leaning on him.

Qrow: "How's that wound healing up? Hey, no judgment; we've all had our fair share of moments we underestimated people. Don't worry." Kreel doesn't respond as he peels Qrow's hand off his shoulder. "Come on! Can you not be a grump for like one minute?"

Kreel: "You seem to think we're friends all of a sudden, but we aren't."

Qrow: "Yeah, but we're on the same side. We're fighting to protect people. Doing huntsmen stuff. Hell, we're on our way to crush a possible White Fang operation and defeat the chick who stole Amber's Fall Maiden powers."

Kreel: "No. I am here to kill that woman and get from Ozpin what he promised me I'd attain for doing so. I care little for the lives of the people you claim to protect. Do try to remember that through your drunken stupors."

Qrow: "There's that Kreel hospitality one heard so much about. The fact you run a class is a miracle."

Kreel: "No, it's a testament to my patience. The miracle is that I haven't thrown you out of this Bullhead already. Now, what do you know of this Mount Glenn?"

Qrow: "You didn't read up on it?"

Kreel: "And you did?" There was only silence from Qrow.

Qrow: "Fair point. From what I can remember of it. It used to be a city meant to act like a 'sister' city to Vale. But unfortunately, it didn't last long as Grimm don't much like big cities. Now it's a dead zone, most of whoever go there usually don't come out. But we aren't like most people, so I have high hopes for us."

The ship begins to descend in the middle of what would've been a bustling street, lively with activity and people. But now, nothing more than the echoes of the wind passing through the dilapidated buildings that tower over the once great city. The door to the outside opens as the Inquisitor and Huntsman step out.

Qrow: "Okay." He takes a swig from his flask. "I'll go high and investigate the skyscrapers that look stable. You go low and investigate the tunnels underneath the city."

Kreel: "Fine. Let's get this done and over with." Kreel shoves past Qrow as he Force blast some rubble out of his way and proceeds down into a subway station.

The Inquisitor had no trouble clearing out any rubble, or Grimm that got in his way—stumbling across several Grimm hives that he took out with minimum effort. But he couldn't find any sign of White Fang presence. Kreel wondered if they withdrew from Mount Glenn due to his intervention.

Kreel: "Ugh. How long have I been down here?"

Revan: "I believe around 5 hours or so. At least you can do things. I'm just a Holocron." He stated as it glowed the blood-red coloring he always did when Revan spoke.

Kreel: "Well, you aren't missing much. This is just rubble, Grimm, and more rubble. Occasionally I find a skeleton of some idiot who thought coming here was a good idea."

Revan: "All I can say is don't lose sight of your goal. And if this may offer an extra benefit to keep you motivated. Imagine how much you can hold over Qrow if you find Cinder before him."

Kreel: "Hmph. I suppose your right." He couldn't help but smirk as the idea of gloating over the Branwen Huntsman was something he couldn't pass up.

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