Chapter 8: New Setting, New Struggles

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Vale, capital city within the kingdom of Vale, (Love the naming of these cities, by the way) and one of the biggest trading hubs for the other four kingdoms. Located along the western coastline of the continent Sanus, Vale is one of the last remaining cities within the continent that hasn't been turned to ruin by the Grimm.

Night settles in as the shattered moon casts an eerie lunar glow over the city. During this time, barely any people walked the city's paved streets, so the town was unnaturally quiet. Except for the sound of whistling, perfectly echoed as well. The whistling originates from the Inquisitor as he walks alone in the streets.

He had only been in Vale a couple of days since his deal with Ozpin to help find the Fall Maiden's attacker. Finding people that didn't want to be found was a specialty of his. After all, he had hunted Jedi for most of his life. So tracking down a young female with the power to create flames and use their semblance wouldn't be too difficult. So he would decide to try and "politely" ask the local criminal element.

Walking past a small dust shop, he is somewhat unsurprised as the shop's front window is shattered by a man being flung out of the building. Following swiftly behind him is a small girl only looking to be around 15 years old, too young to be the Maiden. She wears a black and red dress, and she wields an ungodly large scythe. The Inquisitor watches as more goons dressed in all-black suits come rushing out of the building, the last of which is a red-haired man in a stark white suit with a cane.

The Inquisitor watches on as he begins to stalk around the combat. Whoever this girl was, she was highly trained to use a weapon made initially as a farming tool. From what he could tell, these simple goons stood no chance. But he also saw that the white-suited man refrained from joining the fray, which made him the cowardly leader of this group. Soon the last of the goons were defeated, which only left their leader, who rolled his eyes.

White Suit: "You were worth every penny. Truly, you were. Well, Red. I think we can say this has been a very eventful evening, and as much as I'd like to stick around...I'm afraid this is where we part ways." Pointing the end of his cane at the girl, he fires a red blast of dust which creates an opening to escape.

The white-suited man retreats to a roof overlooking the street where the battle occurred. Soon enough, the young girl made her way up there with lightning-fast speed.

Red: "Hey!"

White Suit: "*groans* Persistent."

But luckily for him, a bullhead rises up from behind him. Its door opens as he hops in and turns to look at Red; he holds up a small red dust crystal.

White Suit: "End of the line, Red." He tosses the red crystal at the girl's feet and fires a blast at it, but they are both surprised when the crystal moves out of the way on its own. "Huh?"

Kreel: "Sorry, did I interrupt something?" He slightly admires the red crystal as the bullhead tries to make its escape. But the bullhead is halted in its tracks as Kreel takes hold of it using the Force. "I don't believe I said you could go anywhere."

White Suit: "We got a huntsman!"

The man seems to switch places with a woman in a red dress. She gathers some form of energy and launches a massive torrent of flames from her hands toward Red. Kreel groans in annoyance as he lets go of the ship and uses the Force to protect himself and the young girl. As the flames dissipate, the two see the ship was too far for them to catch.

Kreel: "Hmm. Interesting." He contemplates as he looks down at the girl to see she is practically oogling him.

Ruby: "Woah...Are you a huntsman?! Can I have your autograph? Was that your semblance?! It was so cool! Oh, wait, I should probably thank you for saving my life! Wait! I didn't even tell you my name! My name's Ruby Rose; who are you?" She says with blinding speed and all in one breath.

Before he could tell Ruby to shut up, a pink bubble surrounds both of them. Ruby looks in awe as Kreel lets out a deep and annoyed sigh.

The scene soon cuts to Kreel sitting in an interrogation room. He had to admit it didn't matter what planet he was on. Any interrogation room always looked the same. He sat in a steel chair in handcuffs, easily relieving himself of using the Force. It didn't take much for him to deduce that the woman on the bullhead was the one who took the original Fall Maiden's abilities. He recognized the presence of its energy, it being very familiar to Raven's own Spring Maiden energy.

As he contemplates the situation, the door opens, and both Goodwitch and Ozpin make their way into the room.

Ozpin: "I see you're already making new friends."

Kreel: "Well, you know me, the life of the party. Am I free to go or not?"

Goodwitch: "You had no business being involved in that fight. What if someone got hurt or worse?"

Kreel: "Spare me your speeches. I knew what I was doing. Besides, I might have found something actually useful."

Ozpin: "Well then, what is it?"

Kreel: "Your fake Fall Maiden is still in Vale. It seems she might be working with the man from the robbery."

Ozpin: "Yes. Based off of miss Rose's description, his name is Roman Torchwick. A high-class thief and con artist. Are you saying he had something to do with having the Fall Maiden's power stolen?"

Kreel: "No. He's too incompetent to organize something like that. But he's definitely working with the attacker. Most likely working under the Maiden."

Goodwitch: "Well, that's certainly better than nothing at all."

Ozpin: "I find it quite fortunate that you are so well-versed in tracking individuals down. But why would the Maiden still be in Vale and working with someone like Roman?"

Kreel: "They want the other half of the Fall Maiden's power. So they're creating chaos. Slowly but surely, the widespread fear and distrust will cause Grimm to attack the city. Giving her the opening to slip in and take the rest of the Maiden power."

Goodwitch: "That...isn't as crazy as it sounds."

Ozpin: "This bodes poorly. If we don't find this woman, we may lose more than just the Fall Maiden."

Kreel: "YOU. You lose more than the Fall Maiden. Remember, I'm only here out of necessity, which by the way. Since I gave you a good bit of situation, it only seems fair you do the same."

Ozpin: "All in good time. I need to make sure I can trust you not to leave when you get what you want." Kreel huffs as he leans back in his chair.

Kreel: "You're playing a dangerous game here, Ozpin. I'm not someone you can just yank around."

Ozpin: "Well, I need you to trust me and cooperate so I can eventually trust you. Try having a little faith. Now go on and get out of here. You have a big day tomorrow, Professor Kreel."

Goodwitch: "I don't see why he has to lead that class. He's so...barbaric."

Ozpin: "Well, he beat you for one. And I don't suppose you want him running Oobleck's class?" Goodwitch rubs her eyes in frustration. "Good. Now, you're free to go Kreel. I hope you'll be in a better mood tomorrow."

Kreel: "Yeah. I hope so as well."

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