Chapter 10: Strength through Passion

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The Inquisitor looked down at the pyramid-shaped Holocron sitting on the ground in front of him. How was it that it was able to speak to him directly? Was it some kind of Jedi mind trick, or had his short time as a school teacher made him go insane?

Holocron: "I assure you, you haven't gone insane, and I am not using any silly Jedi tricks. Now. Sit."

Kreel: "I don't appreciate you delving into my mind." Kreel sighs as he sits down once again in front of the Holocron.

Holocron: "What? Would you like me to be more childishly ignorant? "Oh? Hello! I'm a Holocron! What's your name?" See? I sound pretty annoying, don't I?" It says, switching its voice to mimic Ruby's voice.

Kreel: "Yes. That's creepy and annoying; stop it and start explaining."

Holocron: "Very well. How much do you know of the Sith Order? Don't answer; I've already gone through your memories. Never was a Jedi, to begin with? Huh. Strange. Long ago, before even the Clone Wars as you have learned it was called, and even further before that-"

Kreel: "I got it a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Get on with it."

Holocron: "Rude. Ehem! Once there was the Jedi Order, those who sought to understand the Force through control and meditation. This Order had great reach across the galaxy as a whole, and its members were dutiful. But soon cracks began to form, and soon the First Great Schism. This schism was started by a lone Jedi Knight, whose name is erased from history. This Jedi sought to gain understanding of the Force through the exploration of one's passion and ambition. The Jedi Order seeing this heresy deemed him a follower of the Dark Side. So in defiance of the Order that now shunned him, he took a name of an old enemy of the Jedi Order. Sith. Though he thought himself alone, in truth, many other Jedi were looking to break free from the Jedi's strict rules and follow their own path, and in time the Sith Order was created. A mirror of the Jedi Order founded upon the ideals of Ambition, Passion, and Strength. Over the centuries that passed after their formation, the Sith have waged war against the Jedi. Light versus Dark, Order versus Chaos, Logic versus Emotion, the two sides war would define the galaxy that even you know now."

Kreel: "These Sith. How come I've never heard of them?"

Holocron: "While the Jedi had strength in unity and peace. The Sith learned their strength in strife and war. But soon, they had to find strength in their cunning through decisive action and secrecy. But it seems the balance of the Force has been shifted, and now the Sith, through their cunning and secrecy, have finally gained the upper hand. And all they had to do was destroy the Jedi from within."

Kreel: "No. The Jedi were wiped out by the Empire when they decided to try and overthrow the senate of the Galactic Republic."

Holocron: "A well-orchestrated lie, of course. Your precious Galactic Empire is nothing more than a Sith Empire with a different coat of paint. And you are nothing more than a Sith Warrior called Inquisitor. Now don't be angry; see this as a good thing. You have all this power at your fingertips, and it was all thanks to the teachings of the Sith Order."

Kreel: "For a Holocron made by Jedi hands, you seem rather sympathetic toward your sworn enemy."

Holocron: "You're really that dense, aren't you? This is a Sith Holocron! Made by Sith hands but functions similarly to a Jedi Holocron."

Kreel: "Dense am I? Says the Holocron that stopped talking in 1st person. So since Sith Holocrons don't have their sentience. Who exactly am I talking to?" The Holocron goes silent for a moment before letting out an almost hearty laugh.

Holocron: "My, I have underestimated you. You are much more than you seem. Good. Well, you are correct. I am not a sentient Holocron. I am the collected knowledge of my creator, made to be a digital replica of him."

Kreel: "Revan. You're a digital copy of Darth Revan."

Revan: "Indeed I am. Created to store his knowledge and memories to pass on to the next generation of Sith who find me and the Black Blade."

Kreel: "Wait. You know about this sword?"

Revan: "Yes, and I must say, if you don't get that monstrosity of a crystal out of that sword right now, I'm going to haunt your dreams. Get it out!!" Kreel, slightly startled, fumbles as he quickly takes the crystal out of the Black Blade.

Kreel: "What reason do I have to take out the crystal?! Is it going to blow up or something?"

Revan: "No, of course not. Why would I make the blade with that big of a flaw."

Kreel: "Why are you speaking about Revan as though you are him?"

Revan: "Look. I am all of his thoughts, memories, and ideals packed into a singular Holocron. I'm practically him, but not physically. So just treat me as such."

Kreel: "Fine then, Revan. What did you design the blade for? Besides to kill Mandalorians."

Revan: "Oh! That was just a ruse—something to deter anyone from looking deeper into the intention behind the Black Blade. The intention of the blade is much more. But I wanted you to take out the crystal was due to it being disrespectful toward myself as its creator."

Kreel: "Okay, but that doesn't explain the sword's purpose."

Revan: "Ah, yes. You see, I have been to this planet approximately three times. The first time I came here, I was amazed at its ecosystem, so I spent a great deal of time studying the planet. The second time I built the Vault that housed this Holocron, which would act as a backup storage of my intellect. The last time I was here was when I discovered something very interesting. The secret to Immortality."

Kreel: "Immortality?! You have to be joking."

Revan: "I'm not. This planet is ruled over by two omnipotent entities the locals have deemed "gods". These two entities have the ability to affect the very fabric of reality as they see fit. Unfortunately, they have used said abilities to interfere in the lives of the people of this planet. Creating the animal hybrid humanoids known as Faunus, creating the creatures known as Grimm, creating four artifacts that grant the user almost world-leveling power, and so much more. The worst of it is trapping two humans in a pseudo-immortal state. One, they made it so whenever they die, their soul is transplanted into another human, forced to live an eternal life of death. The other they gave true immortality at the cost of their soul and sanity, making them an insane individual that looks to destroy all things."

Kreel: "But what does the sword have to do with this?"

Revan: "Each of them has a form of immortality but with severe drawbacks. So I forged the sword to compensate for the weaknesses."

Kreel: "Really? Well, aren't you a super genius."

Revan: "Yes, yes, I am. Now to accomplish this, the sword needs to be completed."

Kreel: "The sword's not done. Great! Fantastic! How the hell am I supposed to finish this thing?"

Revan: "Calm yourself. The sword needs a piece of each of the two immortal humans. Once acquired, the sword will be complete, and it'll act as a funnel to keep the user's soul in their body when they die while the body heals. Preserving your soul while keeping the body."

Kreel: "So, do you know where these two are?"

Revan: "No, but their names from when I learned of them, I remember. One was named Ozma, and the other Salem."

Kreel: "Alright. It seems we actually have a plan, Revan. But I'm getting quite tired from today's history lesson, so I'm going to head to sleep if that's alright."

Revan: "Until we speak again, Inquisitor Kreel."

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